The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later The Additional Permission is designed to permit publicly distributed Javascript code to be relicensed under LGPL-3.0-or-later, but not server-side Javascript code. As such, we've relicensed here static Javscript files under LGPL-3.0-or-later, and those that run as part of build and/or server side under AGPL-3.0-or-later. Note that in future, Javascript files may be updated to be stronger copyleft license with the Additional Permission, particularly if they adapted to run on server side and/or turned into templates. Of course, we'd seek public discussion with the contributor community about such changes. This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later
// A full list of available import keys that data can be imported into
// import_key roughly translates to 'table_name.column', but not exactly... see insert_imports.rb
// Also, the regexes allow us to automatically detect what CSV headers match what import keys
// 'regex' is the regex that we use to match on the CSV header
// 'name' is the readable name of the import key / table.column
// 'import_key' is a key name that is used to handle the importing of the data, found in insert_imports.rb
// Automatic header matching is performed top down -- the first regex to
// successfully match is used. So put the more generic matches at the bottom,
// below the more specific matches.
module.exports = [
regex: /.*e(-)?mail *(address)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor Email'
, import_key: 'supporter.email'
, {
regex: /.*country.*/i
, name: 'Donor Country'
, import_key: 'supporter.country'
, {
regex: /.*(street[ \-_]*)?address *(line[ \-_]*2).*/i
, name: 'Donor Address (line 2)'
, import_key: 'supporter.address_line2'
, {
regex: /.*(street[ \-_]*)?address *(line[ \-_]*1)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor Address (line 1)'
, import_key: 'supporter.address'
, {
regex: /.*city.*/i
, name: 'Donor City'
, import_key:'supporter.city'
, {
regex: /.*(state|province)[ \-_]*(code)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor State/Region'
, import_key:'supporter.state_code'
, {
regex: /.*(zip|postal)[ \-_]*(code)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor Postal Code'
, import_key:'supporter.zip_code'
, {
regex: /.*(tele)?phone *(number)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor Phone'
, import_key:'supporter.phone'
, {
regex: /.*(org|organization|company) *(name)?.*/i
, name: 'Donor Company/Org'
, import_key:'supporter.organization'
, {
regex: /.*(donation|contributed)?[ \-_]*(amount|total).*/i
, name: 'Donation Amount'
, import_key:'donation.amount'
, {
regex: /.*(fund|designation|towards).*/i
, name: 'Donation Designation/Fund'
, import_key:'donation.designation'
, {
regex: /.*(campaign)[ \-_]*(name)?.*/i
, name: 'Donation Campaign Name'
, import_key:'donation.designation'
, {
regex: /.*(honorarium|dedication|in honor of|memorium|in memory of).*/i
, name: 'Donation Memorium/Dedication'
, import_key:'donation.dedication'
, {
regex: /.*((date)|(created(_at)?)).*/i
, name: 'Donation Date'
, import_key:'donation.date'
, {
regex: /.*(payment)? *kind|type|method.*/i
, name: 'Donation Payment Method'
, import_key:'offsite_payment.kind'
, {
regex: /.*comment|note(s?).*/i
, name: 'Additional Note/Comment'
, import_key:'donation.comment'
, {
regex: /.*check.*/i
, name: 'Check Number'
, import_key:'offsite_payment.check_number'
, {
regex: /.*tag.*/i
, name: 'New Tag'
, import_key:'tag'
, {
regex: /.*(^ *(first[ \-_]*)?name).*/i
, name: 'Donor First Name'
, import_key:'supporter.first_name'
, {
regex: /.*(^ *(last[ \-_]*)?name).*/i
, name: 'Donor Last Name'
, import_key:'supporter.last_name'
, {
regex: /.*(full[ \-_]*)?name.*/i
, name: 'Donor Full Name'
, import_key:'supporter.name'