The primary license of the project is changing to: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later with some specific files to be licensed under the one of two licenses: CC0-1.0 LGPL-3.0-or-later This commit is one of the many steps to relicense the entire codebase. Documentation granting permission for this relicensing (from all past contributors who hold copyrights) is on file with Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc.
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# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'httparty'
require 'digest/md5'
module Mailchimp
include HTTParty
format :json
def self.base_uri(key)
dc = get_datacenter(key)
return "https://#{dc}.api.mailchimp.com/3.0"
# Run the configuration from an initializer
# data: {:api_key => String}
def self.config(hash)
@options = {
:headers => {
'Content-Type' => 'application/json',
'Accept' => 'application/json'
@body = {
:apikey => hash[:api_key]
# Given a nonprofit mailchimp oauth2 key, return its current datacenter
def self.get_datacenter(key)
metadata = HTTParty.get('https://login.mailchimp.com/oauth2/metadata', {
headers: {
'User-Agent' => 'oauth2-draft-v10',
'Host' => 'login.mailchimp.com',
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Authorization' => "OAuth #{key}"
return metadata['dc']
def self.signup email, mailchimp_list_id
body_hash = @body.merge({
:id => mailchimp_list_id,
:email => {:email => email}
post("/lists/subscribe", @options.merge(:body => body_hash.to_json)).parsed_response
def self.get_mailchimp_token(npo_id)
mailchimp_token = QueryNonprofitKeys.get_key(npo_id, 'mailchimp_token')
throw RuntimeError.new("No Mailchimp connection for this nonprofit: #{npo_id}") if mailchimp_token.nil?
return mailchimp_token
# Given a nonprofit id and a list of tag master ids that they make into email lists,
# create those email lists on mailchimp and return an array of hashes of mailchimp list ids, names, and tag_master_id
def self.create_mailchimp_lists(npo_id, tag_master_ids)
mailchimp_token = get_mailchimp_token(npo_id)
uri = base_uri(mailchimp_token)
puts "URI #{uri}"
puts "KEY #{mailchimp_token}"
npo = Qx.fetch(:nonprofits, npo_id).first
tags = Qx.select("DISTINCT(tag_masters.name) AS tag_name, tag_masters.id")
.where({"tag_masters.nonprofit_id" => npo_id})
.and_where("tag_masters.id IN ($ids)", ids: tag_master_ids)
.join(:nonprofits, "tag_masters.nonprofit_id = nonprofits.id")
tags.map do |h|
list = post(uri+'/lists', {
basic_auth: {username: '', password: mailchimp_token},
headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'},
body: {
name: 'CommitChange-'+h['tag_name'],
contact: {
company: npo['name'],
address1: npo['address'] || '',
city: npo['city'] || '',
state: npo['state_code'] || '',
zip: npo['zip_code'] || '',
country: npo['state_code'] || '',
phone: npo['phone'] || ''
permission_reminder: 'You are a registered supporter of our nonprofit.',
campaign_defaults: {
from_name: npo['name'] || '',
from_email: npo['email'].blank? ? "support@commichange.com" : npo['email'],
subject: "Enter your subject here...",
language: 'en'
email_type_option: false,
visibility: 'prv'
if list.code != 200
raise Exception.new("Failed to create list: #{list}")
{id: list['id'], name: list['name'], tag_master_id: h['id']}
# Given a nonprofit id and post_data, which is an array of batch operation hashes
# See here: http://developer.mailchimp.com/documentation/mailchimp/guides/how-to-use-batch-operations/
# Perform all the batch operations and return a status report
def self.perform_batch_operations(npo_id, post_data)
return if post_data.empty?
mailchimp_token = get_mailchimp_token(npo_id)
uri = base_uri(mailchimp_token)
batch_job_id = post(uri + '/batches', {
basic_auth: {username: "CommitChange", password: mailchimp_token},
headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'},
body: {operations: post_data}.to_json
check_batch_status(npo_id, batch_job_id)
def self.check_batch_status(npo_id, batch_job_id)
mailchimp_token = get_mailchimp_token(npo_id)
uri = base_uri(mailchimp_token)
batch_status = get(uri+'/batches/'+batch_job_id, {
basic_auth: {username: "CommitChange", password: mailchimp_token},
headers: {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}
def self.delete_mailchimp_lists(npo_id, mailchimp_list_ids)
mailchimp_token = get_mailchimp_token(npo_id)
uri = base_uri(mailchimp_token)
mailchimp_list_ids.map do |id|
delete(uri + "/lists/#{id}", {basic_auth: {username: "CommitChange", password: mailchimp_token}})
# `removed` and `added` are arrays of tag join ids that have been added or removed to a supporter
def self.sync_supporters_to_list_from_tag_joins(npo_id, supporter_ids, tag_data)
emails = Qx.select(:email).from(:supporters).where("id IN ($ids)", ids: supporter_ids).execute.map{|h| h['email']}
to_add = get_mailchimp_list_ids(tag_data.select{|h| h['selected']}.map{|h| h['tag_master_id']})
to_remove = get_mailchimp_list_ids(tag_data.reject{|h| h['selected']}.map{|h| h['tag_master_id']})
return if to_add.empty? && to_remove.empty?
bulk_post = emails.map{|em| to_add.map{|ml_id| {method: 'POST', path: "lists/#{ml_id}/members", body: {email_address: em, status: 'subscribed'}.to_json}}}.flatten
bulk_delete = emails.map{|em| to_remove.map{|ml_id| {method: 'DELETE', path: "lists/#{ml_id}/members/#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(em.downcase).to_s}"}}}.flatten
perform_batch_operations(npo_id, bulk_post.concat(bulk_delete))
def self.get_mailchimp_list_ids(tag_master_ids)
return [] if tag_master_ids.empty?
to_insert_data = Qx.select("email_lists.mailchimp_list_id")
.where("tag_masters.id IN ($ids)", ids: tag_master_ids)
.join("email_lists", "email_lists.tag_master_id=tag_masters.id")
.execute.map{|h| h['mailchimp_list_id']}