var R = require('ramda') var request = require('../../common/client') var format = require('../../common/format') appl.def('discounts.create_or_update', function(form_obj, node){ appl.def('discounts.loading', true) if(!validate(form_obj)) { appl.def('discounts.loading', false) return } if( { update_discount(form_obj) } else { delete create_discount(form_obj) } }) appl.def('discounts.show_new', function(){ appl.def('discounts.editing', {id: '', name: '', percent: '', code: ''}) appl.open_modal('createOrEditDiscountsModal') }) appl.def('discounts.show_edit', function(i){ appl.def('discounts.editing',[i]) appl.open_modal('createOrEditDiscountsModal') }) function update_discount(form_obj){ request.put(appl.discounts.url + '/' +, form_obj) .end(function(err, resp){ after_create_or_edit("Discount successfully edited") }) } appl.def('discounts.delete', function(id){ request.del(appl.discounts.url + '/' + id).end(function(err, resp) { appl.notify('Discount successfully deleted') appl.discounts.index() }) }) function create_discount(form_obj){, form_obj) .end(function(err, resp){ after_create_or_edit("Discount successfully added") }) } function after_create_or_edit(message){ appl.discounts.index() appl.notify(message) appl.open_modal("manageDiscountsModal") appl.def('discounts.loading', false) } function validate(form_obj){ var blanks =['name', 'percent', 'code'] var message = '', i) { if(!form_obj[a]) { message += format.capitalize(a) + ', '} }) if (message) { appl.notify(message + " can't be blank") return false } var percent = Number(form_obj.percent) if (!Boolean(percent) || percent <= 0) { appl.notify("Percentage must be a number larger than 0") return false } if(percent > 100) { appl.notify("Percentage can't be more than 100") return false } var codes = R.pluck('code', R.reject(function(x){ return x['id'] === Number(}, var hasDupeCodes = R.contains(form_obj.code, codes) if (hasDupeCodes){ appl.notify("That code is already being used for this event. Please type another code.") return false } return form_obj }