# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later # Provide a declarative json validation and error responses for the rails 'render' method in controllers # # The return value of the block you pass into #when_valid should look like {status: code, json: data} # # Concerns of this lib are: # * Validate the params, only running a block when valid # * Provide a declarative system for request parameter requirements # * Respond with proper codes and error messages for everything class JsonResp attr_accessor :errors def initialize(params, &block) @params = params validation = JsonResp::Validation.new(params) validation.instance_exec(params, &block) @errors = validation.errors return self end def when_valid(&block) return {status: 422, json: {errors: @errors}} if @errors.any? begin @response = block.call(@params) rescue Exception => e @response = {status: 500, json: {error: "We're sorry, but something went wrong. We've been notified about this issue."}} puts e puts e.backtrace.first(10) end return @response end # Validation of a set of request parameters class Validation attr_accessor :errors, :params def initialize(params) @params = params @errors = [] return self end def requires(*keys) @errors.concat keys.select{|k| @params[k].blank? }.map{|k| "#{k} required"} return Param.new(keys, @errors, @params) end def requires_either(key1, key2) error_message = "#{key1} or #{key2} is required" if @params[key1].blank? && @params[key2].blank? @errors << error_message else @errors.concat [key1, key2].select{|k| @params[k].blank? }.map{|k| "#{k} required"} end return Param.new([key1, key2], @errors, @params) end def optional(*keys) keys_to_check = keys.select{|k| @params[k].present?} return Param.new(keys_to_check, @errors, @params) end end class Param # param validation methods # To make more validators, you can extend this class # All methods here are no-ops if the key was optional and is not present attr_accessor :keys, :errors, :params def initialize(keys, errors, params) @keys = keys.reject{|k| params[k].nil? } @errors = errors @params = params end def as_string @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k].is_a?(String)}.map{|k| "#{k} must be a string"} return self end def as_int @errors.concat @keys .reject{|k| @params[k].is_a?(Integer) || @params[k].to_i.to_s == @params[k]} .map{|k| "#{k} must be an integer"} return self end def with_format(regex) @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k] =~ regex}.map{|k| "#{k} must match: #{regex}"} return self end def one_of(*vals) @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| vals.include?(@params[k])}.map{|k| "#{k} must be one of: #{vals.join(", ")}"} return self end def nested(&block) @errors.concat @keys.map{|k| Validation.new(@params[k]).instance_exec(@params, &block).errors}.flatten return self end def as_array @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k].is_a?(Array)}.map{|k| "#{k} must be an array"} end def array_of(&block) @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k].is_a?(Array)}.map{|k| "#{k} must be an array"} @errors.concat @keys.map{|k| @params[k].map{|h| Validation.new(h).instance_exec(@params, &block).errors}}.flatten return self end def as_date with_format /\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d/ @errors.concat @keys.map{|k| [k].concat @params[k].split('-').map(&:to_i)} .reject{|key, year, month, day| year.present? && year > 1000 && year < 3000 && month.present? && month > 0 && month < 13 && day.present? && day > 0 && day < 32} .map{|k, _,_,_| "#{k} must be a valid date"} end def min(n) @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k] >= n}.map{|k| "#{k} must be at least #{n}"} return self end def max(n) @errors.concat @keys.reject{|k| @params[k] <= n}.map{|k| "#{k} must be less than #{n + 1}"} return self end # TODO min_len, max_len, as_float, as_currency, as_time, as_datetime # TODO return err resp on unrecognized params end end