// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later const h = require('snabbdom/h') const R = require('ramda') const flyd = require('flyd') const format = require('../../common/format') flyd.scanMerge = require('flyd/module/scanmerge') function init(donationDefaults, params$) { var state = { params$: params$ , evolveDonation$: flyd.stream() // Stream of objects that can be used to R.evolve the initial donation object , buttonAmountSelected$: flyd.stream(true) // Whether the button or input is selected , currentStep$: flyd.stream() } // A stream of objects that an be used to modify the existing donation by using R.evolve donationDefaults = R.merge(donationDefaults, { amount: format.dollarsToCents(state.params$().single_amount || 0) , designation: state.params$().designation , recurring: state.params$().type === 'recurring' , weekly: (typeof state.params$().weekly !== 'undefined') }) // Apply R.evolve using every value on the evolveDonation$ stream, starting with the defaults state.donation$ = flyd.scanMerge([ [state.params$ || flyd.stream(), setDonationFromParams] , [state.evolveDonation$, R.flip(R.evolve)] ], donationDefaults) return state } const setDonationFromParams = (donation, params) => { if(params.single_amount) { donation.amount = format.dollarsToCents(params.single_amount) } else donation.amount = undefined if(params.designation) donation.designation = params.designation else donation.designation = undefined if (params.type === 'recurring') donation.recurring = true else donation.recurring = undefined return donation } function view(state) { const isRecurring = state.donation$().recurring return h('div.wizard-step.amount-step', [ chooseDesignation(state) , recurringCheckbox(isRecurring, state) , recurringMessage(isRecurring, state) , amountFields(state) , showSingleAmount(isRecurring, state) ]) } // Dropdown to choose among custom designations function chooseDesignation(state) { if(!state.params$().multiple_designations) return '' var defaultDesigs = [ state.params$().designations_prompt || I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.designation.choose') , I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.designation.most_needed') ] return h('section.u-paddingX--5', { class: {'u-hide': !state.params$().multiple_designations} }, [ h('select.donate-designationDropdown.select.u-marginBottom--10', { on: { change: ev => state.evolveDonation$({designation: R.always(ev.currentTarget.value)}) } }, R.concat( R.map( d => h('option', {props: {value: ''}}, d) , defaultDesigs ) , R.map( d => h('option', {props: {value: d}}, d) , state.params$().multiple_designations ) ) ) ]) } // Checkbox to make the donation monthly recurring function recurringCheckbox(isRecurring, state) { if(state.params$().type === 'recurring' || state.params$().type === 'one-time') return '' return h('section.donate-recurringCheckbox.u-paddingX--5 u-marginBottom--10', [ h('div.u-padding--8.u-background--grey.u-centered', { class: {highlight: isRecurring} }, [ h('input.u-margin--0.donationWizard-amount-input', { props: {type: 'checkbox', selected: isRecurring, id: 'checkbox-recurring'} , on: {change: ev => state.evolveDonation$({recurring: t => !t})} }) , h('label', {props: {htmlFor: 'checkbox-recurring'}}, composeTranslation( I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.sustaining') , I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.sustaining_bold') ) ) ]) ]) } // If recurring, an extra message to reinforce that it is in fact charged every month function recurringMessage(isRecurring, state) { if(!isRecurring) return '' var label=I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.sustaining_selected') var bolded=I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.sustaining_selected_bold'); if (state.donation$().weekly) { label = label.replace(I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.monthly'),I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly')); bolded=I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly'); } return h('section.donate-recurringMessage.group', [ h('p.u-paddingX--5.u-centered', { class: {'u-hide': !isRecurring} }, [ state.params$().single_amount ? '' : h('small.info', composeTranslation(label,bolded)) ]) ]) } function prependCurrencyClassname() { if (app.currency_symbol === '$') { return 'prepend--dollar' } else if (app.currency_symbol === '€') { return 'prepend--euro' } } function composeTranslation(full, bold) { const texts = full.split(bold) if(texts.length > 1) { return [texts[0], h('strong', bold), texts[1]] } else { return full } } // All the buttons and the custom input for the amounts to select function amountFields(state) { if(state.params$().single_amount) return '' return h('div.u-inline.fieldsetLayout--three--evenPadding', [ h('span', R.map( amt => h('fieldset', [ h('button.button.u-width--full.white.amount', { class: {'is-selected': state.buttonAmountSelected$() && state.donation$().amount === amt*100} , on: {click: ev => { state.evolveDonation$({amount: R.always(format.dollarsToCents(amt))}) state.buttonAmountSelected$(true) state.currentStep$(1) // immediately advance steps when selecting an amount button } } }, [ h('span.dollar', app.currency_symbol) , String(amt) ]) ]) , state.params$().custom_amounts || [] ) ) , h('fieldset.' + prependCurrencyClassname(), [ h('input.amount.other', { props: {name: 'amount', step: 'any', type: 'number', min: 1, placeholder: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.custom')} , class: {'is-selected': !state.buttonAmountSelected$()} , on: { focus: ev => state.buttonAmountSelected$(false) , change: ev => state.evolveDonation$({amount: R.always(format.dollarsToCents(ev.currentTarget.value))}) } }) ]) , h('fieldset', [ h('button.button.u-width--full.btn-next', { props: {type: 'submit', disabled: !state.donation$().amount || state.donation$().amount <= 0} , on: {click: [state.currentStep$, 1]} }, I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.next')) ]) ]) } // If the params have a single amount, show a large message saying how much it is function showSingleAmount(isRecurring, state) { if(!state.params$().single_amount) return '' var gift = state.params$().gift_option || {} if(state.params$().gift_option_name) gift.name = state.params$().gift_option_name var desig = state.params$().designation return h('section.u-centered', [ h('p.singleAmount-message', [ h('strong', app.currency_symbol + state.params$().single_amount) , h('span.u-padding--0', { class: {'u-hide': !isRecurring} }, ' monthly') , h('span', {class: {'u-hide': !state.params$().designation && !gift.id}}, [ ' for ' + (desig || gift.name) ]) ]) , h('button.button.u-marginBottom--20', {on: {click: [state.currentStep$, 1]}}, I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.next')) ]) } module.exports = {view, init}