// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later var confirmation = require('./confirmation') var notification = require('./notification') var request = require("superagent") var moment = require('moment-timezone') var client = require('./client') var appl = require('view-script') module.exports = appl // A couple short convenience functions for disabling/enabling the global // loading state appl.is_loading = function() {appl.def('loading', true)} appl.not_loading = function() {appl.def('loading', false)} appl.not_loading() // Define the current payment plan tier for a signed-in nonprofit appl.def('current_plan_tier', app.current_plan_tier) appl.def("is_at_least_plan", function(tier) { return app.current_plan_tier >= tier }) // Open a modal given by its modal id (uses the modal div's 'id' attribute) appl.def('open_modal', function(modalId) { $('.modal').removeClass('inView') $('#' + modalId).addClass('inView') $('body').addClass('is-showingModal') return appl }) // Close any and all open modals appl.def('close_modal', function() { $('.modal').removeClass('inView') $('body').removeClass('is-showingModal') return appl }) // Open a given modal id only when the User's Account is confirmed via email // If the user's account is not confirmed, then show an informational modal // about confirming their account appl.def('open_modal_if_confirmed', function(modalId){ if (app.user && app.user.confirmed) appl.open_modal(modalId) else if (app.user && !app.user.confirmed) appl.open_modal('emailConfirmationModal') else appl.open_modal('signUpModal') return appl }) // Open a confirmation modal for the user to click 'yes' or 'no' // Optionally pass in a string message as the first arg (default is 'Are you sure?') // The last argument is the function to execute when 'yes' is clicked // Clicking 'no' simply closes the modal appl.def_lazy('confirm', function() { var msg, expr, node, self = this if(arguments.length === 2) { msg = 'Are you sure?' expr = arguments[0] node = arguments[1] } else { msg = appl.vs(arguments[0]) expr = arguments[1] node = arguments[2] } var result = confirmation(msg) result.confirmed = function() { appl.vs(expr, node) } return self }) // Display a temporary notification message at the bottom of the window appl.def('notify', function(msg) { notification(msg) return appl }) // Convert cents to dollars appl.def('cents_to_dollars', function(cents) { return utils.cents_to_dollars(cents) }) const momentTz = date => moment.tz(date, "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss", 'UTC').tz(ENV.nonprofitTimezone || 'UTC') // Return a date in the format MM/DD/YY for a given date string or moment obj appl.def('readable_date', function(date) { if(!date) return return momentTz(date).format("MM/DD/YY") }) // Given a created_at string (eg. Charge.last.created_at.to_s), convert it to a readable date-time string appl.def('readable_date_time', function(date) { if(!date) return return momentTz(date).format("MM/DD/YY H:mma z") }) // converts the return value of readable_date_time to it's ISO equivalent appl.def('readable_date_time_to_iso', date => { if(!date) return return moment.tz(date, 'MM/DD/YY H:mma z', ENV.nonprofitTimezone || 'UTC') .tz('UTC') .toISOString() }) // Get the month number (eg 01,02...) for the given date string (or moment obj) appl.def('get_month', function(date) { var monthNum = moment(date).month() return moment().month(monthNum).format('MMM') }) // Get the year (eg 2017) for the given date string (or moment obj) appl.def('get_year', function(date) { return moment(date).year() }) // Get the day (number in the month) for the given date string (or moment obj) appl.def('get_day', function(date) { return moment(date).date() }) // Get the percentage of x over y // eg: appl.percentage(34, 69) -> "49.28%" appl.def('percentage', function(x, y) { return String(x / y * 100) + '%' }) // Given a quantity and a plural word describing that quantity, // return the proper version of that word for that quantitiy // eg: appl.pluralize(4, 'tomatoes') -> "4 tomatoes" // appl.pluralize(1, 'donors') -> "1 donor" appl.def('pluralize', function(quantity, plural_word) { var str = String(quantity) + ' ' if(quantity !== 1) return str+plural_word else return str + appl.to_singular(plural_word) }) // Convert (most) words from their plural to their singular form // Works with simple s-endings, ies-endings, and oes-endings appl.def('to_singular', function(plural_word) { return plural_word .replace(/ies$/, 'y') .replace(/oes$/, 'o') .replace(/s$/, '') }) // Truncate a text and add ellipsis to the end appl.def('append_ellipsis', function(text, length) { if(text.length <= length) return text return text.slice(0,length).replace(/ [^ ]+$/, ' ...') }) // General viewscript utilities // All of these are to be added to the actual viewscript package in the future // Push a given value into the arr given by the property name 'arr_key' // Mutates the array stored at 'arr_key' // appl.def('arr', [1,2,3]) // appl.push('arr', 4) // appl.arr == [1,2,3,4] appl.def('push', function(val, arr_key, node) { var arr = appl.vs(arr_key, node) if(!arr || !arr.length) arr = [] arr.push(val) appl.def(arr_key, arr) return appl }) // Concatenate two arrays (this is mutating) // The first array is given by its property name and will be mutated // The second array is the array itself to concatenate // appl.def('arr1', [1,2,3]) // appl.concat('arr1', [4,5,6]) // appl.arr1 == [1,2,3,4,5,6] appl.def('concat', function(arr1_key, arr2, node) { var arr1 = appl.vs(arr1_key, node) appl.def(arr1_key, arr1.concat(arr2)) return appl }) // Merge all key/vals from set_obj into all objects in the array given by the property 'arr_key' // eg: // appl.def('arr_of_objs', [{id: 1, name: 'Bob'}, {id: 2, name: 'Holga'}] // appl.update_all('arr_of_objs', {name: 'Morty'}) // appl.arr_of_objs == [{id: 1, name: 'Morty'}, {id: 2, name: 'Morty'}] appl.def('update_all', function(arr_key, set_obj, node) { appl.def(arr_key, appl.vs(arr_key).map(function(obj) { for(var key in set_obj) obj[key] = set_obj[key] return obj })) }) // Given an array of objects in the view state (with property name 'arr_key'), // and given an object to match on ('obj_matcher'), // and given an object with values to set ('set_obj'), // then set each object that matches key/vals in the obj_matcher to the key/vals in set_obj // // eg, if val at arr_key is: [{id: 1, name: 'Bob'}, {id: 2, name: 'Holga'}] // and obj_matcher is: {id: 1} // and set_obj is: {name: 'Gertrude'} // then result will be: [{id: 1, name: 'Gertrude'}, {id: 2, name: 'Holga'}] appl.def('find_and_set', function(arr_key, obj_matcher, set_obj, node) { var arr = appl.vs(arr_key) if(!arr) return appl var result = arr.map(function(obj) { for (var key in obj_matcher) { if(obj_matcher[key] === obj[key]) { return utils.merge(obj, set_obj) } } return obj }) appl.def(arr_key, result) return appl }) appl.def('find_and_remove', function(arr_key, obj_matcher, set_obj, node) { var arr = appl.vs(arr_key) if(!arr) return appl var result = arr.reduce(function(new_arr, obj) { for (var key in obj_matcher) { if(obj_matcher[key] === obj[key]) { return new_arr } else { new_arr.push(obj) return new_arr } } }, []) appl.def(arr_key, result) return appl }) // Return a boolean whether the parent input is checked (must be a type checkbox) appl.def('is_checked', function(node) { return appl.prev_elem(node).checked }) // Check a parent input node (must be type checkbox) appl.def('check', function(node) { appl.prev_elem(node).checked = true }) // Uncheck a parent input node (must be type checkbox) appl.def('uncheck', function(node) { appl.prev_elem(node).checked = false }) // Check the parent node if the predicate is true appl.def('checked_if', function(pred, node) { if(pred) appl.prev_elem(node).checked = true else appl.prev_elem(node).checked = false }) // Remove an attribute from the parent node appl.def('remove_attr', function(attr, node) { appl.prev_elem(node).removeAttribute(attr) }) appl.def('remove_attr_if', function(pred, attr, node) { if(!node) return var n = appl.prev_elem(node) if(pred) { if(!n.hasAttribute('data-attr-' + attr)) n.setAttribute('data-attr-' + attr, n.getAttribute(attr)) // cache attr to add back in n.removeAttribute(attr) } else if(!n.hasAttribute(attr)) { var val = n.getAttribute('data-attr-' + attr) n.setAttribute(attr, val) } }) // Map over the given list and update it in the view appl.transform = function(name, fn) { var result = appl.vs(name).map(fn) appl.def(name, result) return result } // Return the current URL path appl.def('pathname', function() { return window.location.pathname }) // Return the root url appl.def('root_url', function() { return window.location.origin }) // Trigger a property to get updated in the view appl.def('trigger_update', function(prop) { return appl.def(prop, appl.vs(prop)) }) appl.def('snake_case', function(string) { return string.replace(/ /g,'_') }) appl.def('sort_arr_of_objs_by_key', function(arr_of_objs, key) { return arr_of_objs.sort(function(a, b) { return a[key].localeCompare(b[key]); }) }) // Convert a positive integer into an ordinal (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) appl.def('ordinalize', function(n) { if(n <= 0) return n // Deal with the preteen punks first if([11,12,13].indexOf(n) !== -1) return String(n) + 'th' var str = String(n) var lst = str[str.length-1] if(lst === '1') return String(n) + 'st' else if(lst === '2') return String(n) + 'nd' else if(lst === '3') return String(n) + 'rd' else return String(n) + 'th' }) appl.def('toggle_side_nav', function(){ if(appl.side_nav_is_open) appl.def('side_nav_is_open', false) else appl.def('side_nav_is_open', true) }) appl.def('head', function(arr) { if(arr === undefined) return undefined return arr[0] }) appl.def('select_drop_down', function(node) { var $li = $(node).parent() var $dropDown = $li.parents('.dropDown') $dropDown.find('li').removeClass('is-selected') $dropDown.find('.dropDown-toggle').removeClass('is-droppedDown') $li.addClass('is-selected') }) appl.def('clear_drop_down', function(node){ var $dropDown = $(node).parents('.dropDown') $dropDown.find('li').removeClass('is-selected') $dropDown.find('.dropDown-toggle').removeClass('is-droppedDown') }) appl.def('strip_tags', function(html){ if(!html) return return html.replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig," ") }) appl.def('replace', function(string, matcher, replacer) { if(!string) return // the new RegExp constructor takes a string // and returns a regex: new RegExp("a|b", "i") becomes /a|b/i return string.replace(new RegExp(matcher, 'g'), replacer) }) appl.def('number_with_commas', function(n){ if(!n){return} return utils.number_with_commas(n) }) appl.def('remove_commas', function(s) { return s.replace(/,/g, '') }) appl.def('percentage', function(x, y, number_of_decimals){ if(!x || !y) return 0 number_of_decimals = number_of_decimals || 2 return Number((y/x * 100).toFixed(number_of_decimals)) }) appl.def('clean_url', function(string){ return string.replace(/.*?:\/\//g, "") }) appl.def('address_with_commas', function(address, city, state){ return utils.address_with_commas(address, city, state) }) appl.def('format_phone', function(st) { return utils.pretty_phone(st) })