<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<div class='modal fullScreen' id='manageTicketLevelsModal'>
	<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'Manage Ticket Levels' %>

	<section class='modal-body'>
		<a class='button u-marginBottom--15'>
			<!--= on 'click' (ticket_levels.show_create_or_edit 'create') -->
			<i class='fa fa-plus'></i> New Ticket Level

		<p class='noResults'>
			<!--= hide_if (length ticket_levels.data) -->
			It looks like you don't have any ticket levels yet.  Add one by clicking on the button above.

      <table class='table'>
        <!--= show_if (length ticket_levels.data) -->
              <th>Admin Only</th>
              <th>Number sold</th>
          <tbody id='js-reorderTickets'>
          <tr class='u-width--full draggable-item'>
            <!--= show_if (length ticket_levels.data) -->
            <!--= repeat ticket_levels.data -->
            <td class='u-paddingX--0'>
              <i class='draggable-grip'></i>
              <input type='hidden' name='id'></input>
              <!--= set_value this.id -->
            <td class='strong'><!--= put this.name --></td>
            <td><!--= put (if this.admin_only 'Yes' '') --></td>
            <td><!--= put this.formatted_amount --></td>
              <small class='u-fade'><!--= hide_if this.limit -->n/a</small>
              <!--= if (this.sold_out) (put 'Sold Out') (put this.remaining) -->
            <td><!--=  put (any this.quantity 0)  --></td>
            <td class='u-textAlign--right u-width--200'>

              <button class='button--tiny edit u-marginRight--10'>
                <!--= on 'click' (ticket_levels.show_create_or_edit 'edit' this.i) -->
                <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit

              <a class='button--tiny red'>
                <!--= on 'click' (confirm (ticket_levels.delete this.id)) -->
                <i class='fa fa-times'></i> Remove


