Pricing Plan

Tier: <%= %> ( $<%= Format::Currency.cents_to_dollars @nonprofit.billing_plan.amount %> <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.interval || 'monthly'%> <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.percentage_fee > 0 ? ', ' + (@nonprofit.billing_plan.percentage_fee * 100).round(2).to_s + '%' : '' %> )
Our processor (Stripe) assesses an additional 2.2% + $0.30 for each online payment.

<% if @nonprofit.billing_subscription.status == 'trialing' %>

To ensure that your account stays active after your trial, add a payment method.

<% end %> <% if @nonprofit.billing_plan.amount > 0 && @nonprofit.billing_subscription.status != 'trialing' %>

Unsubscribe from plan

Update payment method

<% end %> <% if @nonprofit.active_card %>

Current payment method for your nonprofit: <%= %>

<% end %>

If you have any questions about your current plan, please contact <%= Settings.devise.mailer_sender %>