<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<header class='pane-header'>
	<h3>Set Timezone</h3>

<div class='pane-inner'>
	<p class='pastelBox--yellow u-padding--10 u-marginBottom--20'>This setting will change the timezone used for all dates and times throughout the app, including on the payment receipts.</p>

	<form action='<%= nonprofit_path(@nonprofit) %>' method='put'>
	<!--= autosubmit (notify 'Successfully updated') -->
		<select class='u-width--250' name='nonprofit[timezone]'>
				<option value=''>Select Timezone</option>
			<% Format::Date.us_timezones.each do |name, val| %>
				<option value='<%= val %>' <%= @nonprofit.timezone == val && 'selected=selected' %>><%= name %></option>
			<% end %>
		<button type='submit' class='button u-marginTop--5' data-loading='Saving..'>Save New Timezone</button>
