/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types */ /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */ import React from 'react'; import addons from '@storybook/addons'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import { IntlProvider} from '../../intl'; const messages = require('../../../i18n').default; export let _config:any = null; const EVENT_SET_CONFIG_ID = "intl/set_config"; const EVENT_GET_LOCALE_ID = "intl/get_locale"; const EVENT_SET_LOCALE_ID = "intl/set_locale"; class WithIntl extends React.Component<any,any> { constructor (props:any) { super(props); this.state = { locale: props.intlConfig.defaultLocale || null, }; this.setLocale = this.setLocale.bind(this); const { channel } = this.props; // Listen for change of locale channel.on(EVENT_SET_LOCALE_ID, this.setLocale); // Request the current locale channel.emit(EVENT_GET_LOCALE_ID); } componentWillUnmount () { this.props.channel.removeListener(EVENT_SET_LOCALE_ID, this.setLocale); } render () { // If the component is not initialized we don't want to render anything if (!this.state.locale) { return null; } const { children, getMessages, getFormats, intlConfig, } = this.props; const { locale } = this.state; const messages = getMessages(locale); const customProps:any = { key: locale, locale, messages, }; // if getFormats is not defined, we don't want to specify the formats property if(getFormats) { customProps.formats = getFormats(locale); } return ( <IntlProvider {...intlConfig} {...customProps}> {children} </IntlProvider> ); } setLocale (locale:string) { this.setState({ locale: locale, }); } } export const setIntlConfig = (config:typeof _config):void => { _config = config; const channel = addons.getChannel(); channel.emit(EVENT_SET_CONFIG_ID, { locales: config.locales, defaultLocale: config.defaultLocale, }); }; export const withIntl = (story:any):JSX.Element => { const channel = addons.getChannel(); const intlConfig = omit(_config, ['locales', 'getMessages', 'getFormats']); return ( <WithIntl intlConfig={intlConfig} locales={_config.locales} getMessages={_config.getMessages} getFormats={_config.getFormats} channel={channel}> {story()} </WithIntl> ); }; export default function decorate() { setIntlConfig({ locales: Object.keys(messages.translations), defaultLocale: messages.defaultLocale, // we use this form becuase it allows the story to be viewed in IE11 getMessages: function(locale:string) { return {...messages.translations[messages.defaultLocale], ...messages.translations[locale]};}, }); return withIntl; }