# frozen_string_literal: true # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later namespace :houdini do namespace :migration do UPLOADERS_TO_MIGRATE = { 'Nonprofit': [ :main_image, :second_image, :third_image, :background_image, :logo ], 'Campaign': [ :main_image, :background_image, :banner_image ], 'Event': [ :main_image, :background_image ], 'ImageAttachment': [ :file ], 'Profile':[ :picture ] } desc "Migrate your CarrierWave uploads to activestorage" task :cw_to_activestorage, [:old_carrierwave_root, :simulate, :write_out_to_files] => [:environment] do |t, args| results = [] Rails.application.eager_load! # find activerecord descendents UPLOADERS_TO_MIGRATE.each do |k,attributes| klass = Object.get_const(k) klass.where(attributes.map{|i| i.to_s + "IS NOT NULL"}.join(" OR ")) .find_each do |record| attributes.each do |attrib| cw_path = record.read_attribute_before_type_cast(attrib.to_s) end end end copied = results.select{|i| i[:success]}.map{|i| i[:value]} errors = results.select{|i| !i[:success]}.map{|i| i[:value]} if args.write_out_to_files CSV.open('copied.csv', 'wb') do |csv| csv << ['Name', 'Id', "UploaderName", "FileToOpen", "CodeToRun"] copied.each {|row| csv << row} end CSV.open('errored.csv', 'wb') do |csv| csv << ['Name', 'Id', "UploaderName", "Error"] errors.each {|row| csv << row} end end puts "Copied: #{copied.count}" puts "Errored: #{errors.count}" end desc "TEST ITEM" task :from_list, [:from_file, :simulate, :write_out_to_files, :correct_attachment_name] => [:environment] do |t, args| require 'digest' srand def create_word seed = "--#{rand(10000)}--#{Time.now}--" Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(seed)[0,8] end results = [] Rails.application.eager_load! # find activerecord descendents csv = CSV.read(args.from_file, {headers: true}) nps = csv.select{|i| i['Name'] == 'Nonprofit'} np_count = nps.count nps.each_with_index do |item, index| user = User.create_with(password: create_word).find_or_create_by!(email: item['Id'] + "@example.com") np = Nonprofit.create_with(name: create_word, city: create_word, state_code: create_word, user_id: user.id).find_or_create_by!(id:item['Id']) upload_url = item['FileToOpen'] results << process({upload_url: upload_url, record: np, uploader_name: item['UploaderName'], correct_attachment_name: args.correct_attachment_name}) if index % 10 == 0 puts "Working on item #{index} of #{np_count}" end end copied = results.select{|i| i[:success]}.map{|i| i[:value]} errors = results.select{|i| !i[:success]}.map{|i| i[:value]} if args.write_out_to_files CSV.open('copied_from_list.csv', 'wb') do |csv| csv << ['Name', 'Id', "UploaderName", "FileToOpen", "CodeToRun"] copied.each {|row| csv << row} end CSV.open('errored_from_list.csv', 'wb') do |csv| csv << ['Name', 'Id', "UploaderName", "Error"] errors.each {|row| csv << row} end end puts "Copied: #{copied.count}" puts "Errored: #{errors.count}" end def process(**args) begin if args[:upload_url] filename = File.basename(URI.parse(args[:upload_url]).to_s) file_to_open = args[:upload_url].start_with?('/') ? "." + args[:upload_url] : args[:upload_url] if (!args[:simulate]) attachment_relation = args[:record].send("#{args[:uploader_name].to_s}_temp") attachment_relation.attach(io: open(file_to_open), filename: filename) if args[:correct_attachment_name] attachment = attachment_relation.attachment attachment.name = "#{args[:uploader_name].to_s}" attachment.save! end end return {success: true, value: [args[:record].id,args[:uploader_name],file_to_open]} end return nil rescue => e return {success: false, value: [ args[:record].id, args[:uploader_name], e]} end end end end