# frozen_string_literal: true

# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'param_validation'
require 'qx'

module OnboardAccounts
  def self.create_org(params)
    nonprofit_data = set_nonprofit_defaults(params['nonprofit'])
                        name: { required: true },
                        # email: {required: true},
                        # phone: {required: true},
                        city: { required: true },
                        state_code: { required: true })
    user_data = set_user_defaults(params['user'])
                        name: { required: true },
                        email: { required: true },
                        password: { required: true },
                        phone: { required: true })
    extra_info = params['extraInfo']

    nonprofit = Qx.insert_into(:nonprofits)

    billing_plan_id = Settings.default_bp.id
    billing_subscription = Qx.insert_into(:billing_subscriptions)
                               nonprofit_id: nonprofit['id'],
                               billing_plan_id: billing_plan_id,
                               status: 'active'

    # Create the user using the User and Role models (since we have to use Devise)
    user = User.create!(user_data)
    role = Qx.insert_into(:roles)
             .values(user_id: user.id, name: 'nonprofit_admin', host_id: nonprofit['id'], host_type: 'Nonprofit')

    delay.send_onboard_email(nonprofit, nonprofit_data, user_data, extra_info)

      nonprofit: nonprofit,
      user: user,
      role: role,
      billing_subscription: billing_subscription

  ### ethis is a one time method in order to add a user without testing for the method. Do not use this long term
  def self.create_org_with_user(params, user = nil)
    nonprofit_data = set_nonprofit_defaults(params['nonprofit'])
                        name: { required: true },
                        # email: {required: true},
                        # phone: {required: true},
                        city: { required: true },
                        state_code: { required: true })
    unless user
      user_data = set_user_defaults(params['user'])
                          name: { required: true },
                          email: { required: true },
                          password: { required: true },
                          phone: { required: true })
    extra_info = params['extraInfo']

    nonprofit = Qx.insert_into(:nonprofits)
    # Create a billing subscription for the 6% fee tier
    billing_plan_id = Settings.default_bp.id
    billing_subscription = Qx.insert_into(:billing_subscriptions)
                               nonprofit_id: nonprofit['id'],
                               billing_plan_id: billing_plan_id,
                               status: 'active'

    # Create the user using the User and Role models (since we have to use Devise)
    user = !user ? User.create!(user_data) : user
    role = Qx.insert_into(:roles)
             .values(user_id: user.id, name: 'nonprofit_admin', host_id: nonprofit['id'], host_type: 'Nonprofit')

    delay.send_onboard_email(nonprofit, nonprofit_data, user_data, extra_info)

      nonprofit: nonprofit,
      user: user,
      role: role,
      billing_subscription: billing_subscription

  def self.set_nonprofit_defaults(data)
    data = data.merge(
      verification_status: 'unverified',
      published: true,
      vetted: Settings.nonprofits_must_be_vetted ? false : true,
      statement: data[:name][0..16],
      city_slug: Format::Url.convert_to_slug(data[:city]),
      state_code_slug: Format::Url.convert_to_slug(data[:state_code]),
      slug: Format::Url.convert_to_slug(data[:name])

  def self.set_user_defaults(data)

  # np is the created nonprofit row in the database
  # nonprofit_data is the data sent from the onboarding form, and may include extra stuff not in the db
  # user_data and extra_info are additional data hashes sent from the onboarding form
  def self.send_onboard_email(np, nonprofit_data, user_data, extra_info)
    # Send the welcome email to the nonprofit
    # Send an email notifying people internal folks of the new nonporfit, with the above info and extra_info
    to_emails = ['support@commitchange.com']
    message = %(
      New signup on CommitChange for an organization with the name "#{np['name']}"
      Location: #{np['city']} #{np['state_code']}, #{np['zip_code']}
      Org Email: #{nonprofit_data['email']}
      Org Phone: #{nonprofit_data['phone']}
      User Email: #{user_data['email']}
      User Name: #{user_data['name']}
      User Phone: #{user_data['phone']}
      Entity Type: #{extra_info['entity_type']}
      How they heard about us: #{extra_info['how_they_heard']}
      What they want to use: #{%w[use_donations use_crm use_campaigns use_events].select { |x| extra_info[x] == 'on' }.join(', ')}
    subject = "New Account Signup: #{np['name']}"
    GenericMailer.generic_mail('support@commitchange.com', 'CC Bot', message, subject, to_emails, '').deliver