# Using docker (outdated)

## Docker install (if you don't have docker and docker-compose installed)

### install Docker and Docker compose

You need to install Docker and Docker Compose.

* *Note:* Docker and Docker Compose binaries from Docker itself are proprietary
software based entirely upon free software. If you feel more comfortable,
you may build them from source.

* *Note 2:* For Debian, the Docker package is simply too out of date to be usable.
Even the version for latest Ubuntu LTS  is too old. For reliability, we strongly
recommend using the Docker debian feed from docker itself OR making sure you
keep your own build up to date.

### Add yourself to the docker group

Adding yourself as a Docker group user as follows:

`sudo usermod -aG docker $USER`

You will likely need to logout and log back in again.

## Build your docker-container and start it up for initial set up

We'll keep this running in the console we'll call **console 1**

./dc build
./dc up

## System configuration

There are a number of steps for configuring your Houdini instance for startup

### Start a new console we'll call **console 2**

### In console 2, copy the env template to your .env file

   cp .env.template .env

### In console 2, run the following fill your `DEVISE_SECRET_KEY`

`./run rake secret ## copy this result into your DEVISE_SECRET_KEY`

Now copy the output to you .env file to set you `DEVISE_SECRET_KEY` environment variable

### In console 2, run the following to fill your `SECRET_TOKEN`

./run rake secret ## copy this result into your SECRET_TOKEN

Now copy the output to you .env file to set you `SECRET_TOKEN` environment variable

### Set the following secrets in your .env file with your Stripe account information

* `STRIPE_API_KEY` with your Stripe PRIVATE key
* `STRIPE_API_PUBLIC` with your Stripe PUBLIC key

### You SHOULD set your AMAZON s3 information (optional but STRONGLY recommended)

If you don't, file uploads WILL NOT WORK but it's not required.

### In console 2,  install yarn

`./run yarn`

### In console 2, fill the db

`./run rake db:create db:schema:load db:seed test:prepare`

### Set up mailer info

You can set this in `config/default_organization.yml` or better yet, make
a copy with your own org name and add that to your .env file as `ORG_NAME`
If you need help setting up your mailer, visit `config/environment.rb` where
the settings schema is verified and documented.

## Startup

### Switch back to console 1 and run `Ctrl-c` to end the session

### In console 1, restart the containers

`./dc up`

### In console 2, run

`./run yarn watch`

### You can go to <http://localhost:5000>

To get started, register your nonprofit using the "Get Started" link.