# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later require 'numeric' module CalculateSuggestedAmounts MIN = 25 MAX = 100000000 BRACKETS = [{range: MIN...1000, delta:100}, {range: 1000...5000, delta: 500}, {range: 5000...MAX, delta: 2500}] # Calculates a set of suggested donation amounts based upon our internal special algorithm # This is most useful for suggesting amounts a recurring donor could change to # @return [Array<Integer>] suggested amounts for your donation # @param [Number] amount the amount in cents to start from def self.calculate(amount) ParamValidation.new({amount: amount}, amount: {required:true, is_a: Numeric, min: MIN, max:MAX }) result = [] step_down_val = step_down_value(amount) unless step_down_val.nil? result.push(step_down_val) end higher_amounts = [] while (higher_amounts.empty? || (higher_amounts.length < 3 && higher_amounts.last() != nil)) if higher_amounts.empty? higher_amounts.push(step_up_value(amount)) else higher_amounts.push(step_up_value(higher_amounts.last)) end end result.concat(higher_amounts.reject {|i| i.nil?}) end def self.step_down_value(amount) initial_bracket = get_bracket_by_amount(amount) #check_floor_for_delta delta_floor = amount.floor_for_delta(initial_bracket[:delta]) #not on a delta, just send a floor if (delta_floor != amount) return delta_floor < MIN ? nil : delta_floor end potential_lower_amount = amount - initial_bracket[:delta] # is potential_lower_amount < our MIN? if so, return nil return nil if potential_lower_amount < MIN new_bracket = get_bracket_by_amount(potential_lower_amount) #if in same bracket, potential_lower_amount is our step_down_value if initial_bracket == new_bracket return potential_lower_amount end #we're going to step down by our new bracket value then return amount - new_bracket[:delta] end def self.step_up_value(amount) bracket = get_bracket_by_amount(amount) #check_ceil_for_delta delta_ceil = amount.ceil_for_delta(bracket[:delta]) #not on a delta, just send a ceil if (delta_ceil != amount) return delta_ceil >= MAX ? nil : delta_ceil end potential_higher_amount = amount + bracket[:delta] # is potential_lower_amount < our MIN? if so, return nil return nil if potential_higher_amount >= MAX potential_higher_amount end def self.get_bracket_by_amount(amount) BRACKETS.select { |i| i[:range].cover?(amount) }.first end end