# frozen_string_literal: true

# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
require 'qx'

module UpdateCustomFieldJoins
  # Delete custom field joins that have the same custom field master
  # Favor the most recent custom field join
  def self.delete_dupes(supporter_ids)
    # Bulk remove duplicate custom field joins, favoring the most recent one
    ids = Qx.select('ARRAY_AGG(custom_field_joins.id ORDER BY custom_field_joins.created_at DESC) AS ids')
            .where('custom_field_joins.supporter_id IN ($ids)', ids: supporter_ids)
            .join('custom_field_masters cfms', 'cfms.id = custom_field_joins.custom_field_master_id')
            .having('COUNT(custom_field_joins) > 1')
            .execute.map { |h| h['ids'][1..-1] }.flatten
    return unless ids.any?

      .where('id IN ($ids)', ids: ids)