/* eslint-disable jest/no-disabled-tests */ // License: LGPL-3.0-or-later import React, { useEffect } from 'react'; import { render, fireEvent, waitFor, act } from '@testing-library/react'; import '@testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'; import {MoneyTextField} from './index'; import { Field, Formik, useFormikContext } from 'formik'; import { Money } from '../../common/money'; import { HoudiniIntlProvider } from '../intl'; function FormikInner(props: { onChange:(args:{value:Money})=> void}) { const context = useFormikContext<{value:Money}>(); const {value} = context.values; const {onChange} = props; useEffect(() => { onChange({value}); }, [value, onChange]); return <>
; } function FormikHandler(props: { value: Money, onChange:(args:{value:Money})=> void}) { const {value, ...innerFormikProps} = props; return { console.log("submitted");}} enableReinitialize={true}> ; } FormikHandler.defaultProps = { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function onChange: () => {}, }; describe('MoneyTextField', () => { it('displays the $8.00 when Money of {800, usd} is passed in', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const result = render(); const field = result.container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("$8.00"); const amount = await result.findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await result.findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); }); it('displays the 8.00 € when Money of {800, eur} is passed in', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const result = render(); const field = result.container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("€8.00"); const amount = await result.findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await result.findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("eur"); }); it('displays the ¥800 when Money of {800, jpy} is passed in', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const result = render(); const field = result.container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("¥800"); const amount = await result.findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await result.findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("jpy"); }); it('displays the $8.00 when Money of {100, usd} is passed in and then the amount changes to 8.00', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const result = render(); const field = result.container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("$1.00"); const amount = await result.findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await result.findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("100"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); await act(async () => { fireEvent.change(field, {target:{value: "$8.00"}}); }); expect(field).toHaveValue("$8.00"); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); }); it('displays the $80.00 when Money of {800, usd} is passed in and then the amount changes to 8.000', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const result = render(); const field = result.container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("$8.00"); const amount = await result.findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await result.findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); await act(async () => { fireEvent.change(field, {target:{value: "$8.000"}}); }); expect(field).toHaveValue("$80.00"); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("8000"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); }); it('displays the $80.00 when Money of {800, usd} is passed in and then {8000, usd} is passed in', async () => { expect.hasAssertions(); const {container, findByLabelText, rerender} = render(, ); const field = container.querySelector("input[name=value]"); expect(field).toHaveValue("$8.00"); const amount = await findByLabelText('amount'); const currency = await findByLabelText('currency'); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("800"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); rerender(); expect(amount).toHaveTextContent("8000"); expect(currency).toHaveTextContent("usd"); waitFor(() => expect(field).toHaveValue("$80.00")); }); });