<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<p class='u-marginTop--0 u-centered u-strong'>
  <!--= if (merge.data.has_at_least_one.address) 
  (put 	'Which address would you like to use?')
  (put 'No address listed. Please add a new one.') -->
    <!--= repeat merge.data.supporters -->
    <!--= show_if this.address -->

    <input type='radio'>
    <!--= if (all (eq merge.data.new_supporter.address this.address) 
        (eq merge.data.new_supporter.city this.city) 
        (eq merge.data.new_supporter.state_code this.state_code) 
        (eq merge.data.new_supporter.zip_code this.zip_code) 
        (eq merge.data.new_supporter.country this.country))
      (check) (uncheck) -->
      <!--= on 'click' (merge.select_address this) --> 
      <!--= put address_with_commas this.address this.city this.state_code -->
      <!--= put this.zip_code -->
      <!--= put this.country -->

<div class='group u-marginTop--20'>
  <!--= on 'input' (merge.set form_object) -->
  <div class='layout--two'>
      <input type='text' class='u-marginBottom--5' name='address' placeholder='Add new address'>
      <input type='text' class='u-marginBottom--5' name='city' placeholder='Add new city'>
  <div class='layout--three'>
      <input type='text' class='u-marginBottom--5'  name='state_code' placeholder='Add new state/region'>
      <label>Zip Code</label>
      <input type='text' name='zip_code' placeholder='Add new zip code'>
      <input name='country' type='text' placeholder='Add new country'>

<div class='u-centered u-marginTop--10'>
  <button class='button'> 
    <!--= on 'click' (wizard.advance 'merge_wiz') -->