<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later # Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE -%> <!-- partial tickets/new_modal --> <!-- this depends on cards.css --> <!-- this depends on tickets/wizard.js --> <% title ||= 'Get tickets' %> <% show_payment_options ||= false %> <% unrequire_email ||= false %> <div class='modal modal--wizard modal--flush' id='newTicketModal'> <%= render 'common/modal_header', title: title %> <%= render 'components/wizard/step_index', wizard_name: 'ticket_wiz' %> <div class='modal-body'> <p class='noResults'> <!--= hide_if (length ticket_levels.data)--> No ticket levels yet </p> <div class='wizard-steps'> <!--= show_if (length ticket_levels.data)--> <!--= wizard.init 'ticket_wiz' --> <%= render 'tickets/ticket_step' %> <%= render 'tickets/info_step', profile: profile, unrequire_email: unrequire_email %> <%= render 'tickets/finish_step', show_payment_options: show_payment_options %> </div> </div> </div> <div class='modal skinny' id='confirmTicketsModal'> <%= render 'common/modal_header', title: 'Success!', class_name: 'success' %> <div class='modal-body centered'> <p>We have successfully redeemed these tickets!</p> <p>Expect an email within the next few minutes for a confirmation.</p> <form> <!--= on 'submit' add_ticket_note --> <div class='field'> <textarea name='note' placeholder='Add a note for the event organizer (eg. meal or seating preference)' row=2></textarea> </div> <div class='u-centered'> <button class='button test-confirmButton' if-branded='background-color, base'> Done </button> </div> </form> </div> </div>