<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<!-- partial nonprofits/recurring_donations/side_panel -->

<div class='sidePanel'>
	<!--= scope 'recurring_donation_details.data' -->

	<header class='sidePanel-header'>
		<h4 class='sidePanel-title'>
			$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.donation.amount) --> <!--= put (readable_interval this.interval this.time_unit) -->
			<!--= put (any this.supporter.name this.supporter.email (cat 'Supporter ' this.supporter.id)) -->

	<div class='sidePanel-body'>

			<table class='table--small'>
				<td>$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.donation.amount) --></td>
			 <td>Donor: </td>
				<td><!--= put (any this.supporter.name this.supporter.email (cat 'Supporter ' this.supporter.id)) --></td>
				<!--= show_if this.card.name -->
				<td>Card Name: </td>
				<td><!--= put this.card.name --></td>
				<td>Every <!--= put (pluralize this.interval this.time_unit) --></td>
				<!--= show_if (all (eq this.interval 1) (eq this.time_unit 'month')) -->
				<td>Fixed paydate:</td>
				<td><!--= put (any (ordinalize this.paydate) 'None (will be paid whenever due)') --></td>
				<td>All-Time Total:</td>
				<td>$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.total_given) --></td>
				<td>Created On:</td>
				<td><!--= put (readable_date (this.created_at)) --></td>
				<td>Start Date:</td>
				<td><!--= put (readable_date this.start_date) --></td>
				<td>End Date:</td>
				<td><!--= put (any (readable_date this.end_date) 'None') --></td>
				<td><!--= put (any this.donation.designation "None") --></td>

      <strong>Donation management link (for the donor):</strong>

      <!--= def 'this.url' (cat (root_url) '/recurring_donations/' this.id '/edit?t=' this.edit_token) -->
        <!--= set_attr 'href' this.url -->
        <!--= put this.url -->

			<button class='button--small edit u-marginY--10'>
				<!--= on 'click' (open_modal 'edit_recurring_donation') -->
				<i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit this recurring donation

			<button class='button--small red'>
				<!--= on 'click' (confirm (ajax_details.del this.id)) -->
				<i class='fa fa-times'></i> Stop this donation


<!-- end partial nonprofits/recurring_donations/side_panel -->