# frozen_string_literal: true # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe DonationMailer, type: :mailer do describe 'donor_recurring_donation_change_amount' do let(:np) { force_create(:nonprofit, name: 'nonprofit', email: 'blah') } let(:s) { force_create(:supporter, email: 'supporter.email@mail.teha') } let(:oldcard) { force_create(:card) } let(:donation) { create(:donation, nonprofit_id: np.id, supporter_id: s.id, card_id: oldcard.id, amount: 999) } let(:default_message) { 'You have successfully changed your recurring donation amount. Please see the receipt and details below.' } let(:rd) do inner_rd = create(:recurring_donation, amount: 999, active: true, supporter_id: s.id, donation_id: donation.id, nonprofit_id: np.id, start_date: Date.today, interval: 1, time_unit: 'month') end before(:each) do np s oldcard donation default_message end describe 'with custom' do let(:custom_message) { 'custom_message' } let!(:custom_donor_amount) { create(:miscellaneous_np_info, change_amount_message: custom_message, nonprofit: np) } let!(:mail) { DonationMailer.donor_recurring_donation_change_amount(rd.id, 1000) } it 'renders the headers' do expect(mail.subject).to eq("Recurring donation amount changed for #{np.name}") expect(mail.to).to eq(['supporter.email@mail.teha']) expect(mail.reply_to).to eq([np.email]) end it 'renders the body' do expect(mail.body.encoded).to match custom_message.to_s expect(mail.body.encoded).to_not match default_message.to_s end end describe 'without custom message' do let!(:custom_donor_amount) { create(:miscellaneous_np_info, nonprofit: np) } let!(:mail) { DonationMailer.donor_recurring_donation_change_amount(rd.id, 1000) } it 'renders the headers' do expect(mail.subject).to eq("Recurring donation amount changed for #{np.name}") expect(mail.to).to eq(['supporter.email@mail.teha']) expect(mail.reply_to).to eq([np.email]) end it 'renders the body' do expect(mail.body.encoded).to match default_message.to_s end end describe 'without miscinfo' do let!(:mail) { DonationMailer.donor_recurring_donation_change_amount(rd.id, 1000) } it 'renders the headers' do expect(mail.subject).to eq("Recurring donation amount changed for #{np.name}") expect(mail.to).to eq(['supporter.email@mail.teha']) expect(mail.reply_to).to eq([np.email]) end it 'renders the body' do expect(mail.body.encoded).to match default_message.to_s end end end end