<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%> <%= content_for :stylesheets do %> <%= stylesheet_link_tag 'nonprofits/button/page' %> <% end %> <% content_for(:footer_hidden) {'hidden'} %>

Donate Form Builder

<%= render 'tabs', active: :basic %>
Begin collecting donations on your website in minutes

You can begin collecting donations on your website in minutes by copying and pasting the snippet of code below onto your website. It's as easy as adding a Facebook 'Like' button to your website. When adding the script to your website be sure to add it to the footer.

If this sounds too technical for you, don't worry; in most cases, we can either walk you through the process or add the code for you.

For more customization options for your donate button, such as creating a button from an image or adding a designation, use our <%= link_to 'guided', nonprofits_button_guided_path(@nonprofit) %> donate button builder.

<%= render 'include_oneline_snippet' %>