const h = require('snabbdom/h') const R = require('ramda') const flyd = require('flyd') const uuid = require('uuid') const supporterFields = require('../../components/supporter-fields') const button = require('ff-core/button') const dedicationForm = require('./dedication-form') const serialize = require('form-serialize') const request = require('../../common/request') const format = require('../../common/format') const sepaTab = 'sepa' const cardTab = 'credit_card' function init(donation$, parentState) { //console.log(donation$().val); var state = { donation$: donation$ , submitSupporter$: , submitDedication$: , params$: parentState.params$ , currentStep$: , selectedPayment$: parentState.selectedPayment$ } // Save supporter for dedication logic state.dedicationData$ = => serialize(form, {hash: true}), state.submitDedication$) const dedicationSuppData$ = data => R.merge( R.pick(['phone', 'email', 'address'], data) , {name: `${data.first_name||''} ${data.last_name||''}`} ) , state.dedicationData$ ) state.showDedicationForm$ => false, state.submitDedication$) // Save donor supporter record state.supporterFields = supporterFields.init({required: {email: true}}, parentState.params$) state.savedSupp$ = flyd.flatMap(postSupporter ,, state.submitSupporter$)) state.savedDedicatee$ = supporter => ({supporter, note: state.dedicationData$().dedication_note, type: state.dedicationData$().dedication_type}) , flyd.flatMap(postSupporter, dedicationSuppData$) ) const changedDedication$ = flyd.merge(state.dedicationData$, state.savedDedicatee$) state.supporter$ = flyd.merge({}), state.savedSupp$) return state } const formatFormData = form => { const data = serialize(form, {hash: true}) return R.evolve({customFields: R.toPairs}, data) } const postSupporter = supporter => resp => resp.body , request({ method: 'post' , path: `/nonprofits/${app.nonprofit_id}/supporters` , send: R.merge(supporter, {locale: I18n.locale}) }).load ) const customFields = fields => { if(!fields) return '' const input = field => h('input', { props: { name: `customFields[${}]` , placeholder: field.label } }) return h('div',, fields)) } function recurringMessage(state){ //function recurringMessage(isRecurring, state) { var isRecurring=state.donation$().recurring; var amountLabel = isRecurring ? ` ${I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.monthly_recurring')}` : ` ${I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.one_time')}` var weekly= ""; if (state.donation$().weekly) { amountLabel = amountLabel.replace(I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.monthly'),I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly')) + "*"; weekly= h('div.u-centered.notice',[h("small",I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.amount.weekly_notice',{amount:(format.weeklyToMonthly(state.donation$().amount)/100.0),currency:app.currency_symbol}))]); } return h('div', [ h('p.u-fontSize--18 u.marginBottom--0.u-centered.amount', [ h('span', app.currency_symbol + format.centsToDollars(state.donation$().amount)) , h('strong', amountLabel) ]) , weekly] ) } function view(state) { var form = h('form', { on: { submit: ev => {ev.preventDefault(); state.currentStep$(2); state.submitSupporter$(ev.currentTarget)} } }, [ recurringMessage(state) , supporterFields.view(state.supporterFields) , customFields(state.params$().custom_fields) , dedicationLink(state) , app.nonprofit.no_anon ? '' : anonField(state) , h('fieldset.u-inlineBlock.u-marginTop--10', paymentMethodButtons(["card", "sepa"], state)) ]) return h('', [ form , h('div', { style: {background: '#f8f8f8', position: 'absolute', 'top': '0', left: '3px', height: '100%', width: '99%'} , class: {'u-hide': !state.showDedicationForm$(), opacity: 0, transition: 'opacity 1s', delay: {opacity: 1}} }, [dedicationForm.view(state)] ) ]) } function paymentMethodButtons(paymentMethods, state){ return h(''), [ paymentButton({error$: state.errors$, buttonText: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.tabs.sepa')}, sepaTab, state) , paymentButton({error$: state.errors$, buttonText: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.tabs.card')}, cardTab, state) ] } function paymentButton(options, label, state){ options.error$ = options.error$ || options.loading$ = options.loading$ || let btnclass={ 'ff-button--loading': options.loading$() }; btnclass[label]=true; return h('div.ff-buttonWrapper.u-floatL.u-marginBottom--10', { class: { 'ff-buttonWrapper--hasError': options.error$() } }, [ h('p.ff-button-error', {style: {display: options.error$() ? 'block' : 'none'}} , options.error$()) , h('button.ff-button', { props: { type: 'submit', disabled: options.loading$() } , on: { click: e => state.selectedPayment$(label) } , class: btnclass }, [ options.loading$() ? (options.loadingText || " Saving...") : (options.buttonText || I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.payment.card.submit')) ]) ]) } function anonField(state) { state.anon_id = state.anon_id || uuid.v1() // we need a unique id in case there are multiple supporter forms on the page -- the label 'for' attribute needs to be unique return h('div.u-marginTop--10.u-centered', [ h('input', { props: { type: 'checkbox' , name: 'anonymous' , checked: state.anonymous , id: `anon-checkbox-${state.anon_id}` } }) , h('label', { props: { type: 'checkbox' , htmlFor: `anon-checkbox-${state.anon_id}` , id: 'anonLabel' } }, [ h('small', I18n.t('')) ]) ]) } const dedicationLink = state => { if(state.params$().hide_dedication) return '' return h('label.u-centered.u-marginTop--10', [ h('small', [ h('a', { on: {click: [state.showDedicationForm$, true]} }, state.dedicationData$() && state.dedicationData$().first_name ? [h('i.fa.fa-check'), I18n.t('') + `${state.dedicationData$().first_name || ''} ${state.dedicationData$().last_name || ''}`] : [I18n.t('')] ) ]) ]) } module.exports = {view, init}