/* eslint-disable jest/no-hooks */ // License: LGPL-3.0-or-later import { renderHook, act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'; import useSteps, { KeyedStep, KeyedStepMap } from './useSteps'; import fromPairs from 'lodash/fromPairs'; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function const stepActions = { addStep: () => { }, removeStep: () => { } }; describe('.next', () => { it('nothing changes if there is no next', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.next(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('nothing changes if next is disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { disabled: { 'i': false, '2': true }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.next(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('go to next if next exists', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.next(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(1); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.back', () => { it('nothing changes if there is no back', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.back(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('nothing changes if back is disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }, { key: 'last' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 2, disabled: { 'i': true, '2': true, 'last': false }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.back(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(2); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('if back is the first item, we ignore its disabled state', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }, { key: 'last' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1, disabled: { 'i': true, '2': false, 'last': false }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.back(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); it('go to back if back exists', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1 })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.back(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.goto', () => { it('nothing changes if goto value is below 0', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.goto(-1); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('nothing changes if goto value is bigger number of steps', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.goto(1); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('nothing changes if goto value is disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { disabled: { 'i': false, '2': true }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.goto(1); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('if goto step is 0, we always go back regardless of disabledness', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1, disabled: { 'i': false, '2': true }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.goto(0); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); it('goto step if it exists', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1 })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.goto(1); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(1); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.first', () => { it('changes nothing if already first', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.first(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('if first is disabled we still go back', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1, disabled: { 'i': true, '2': false }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.first(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); it('go to first', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1 })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.first(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.last', () => { it('changes nothing if already last', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { activeStep: 1 })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.last(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(1); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('changes nothing if last is disabled', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions }, { disabled: { 'i': false, '2': true }, })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.last(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(0); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(true); }); it('go to last', async () => { expect.assertions(2); const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], ...stepActions })); const original = result.current; act(() => { result.current.last(); }); expect(result.current.activeStep).toBe(1); expect(Object.is(result.current, original)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('.disable', () => { describe.each([ [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 1, { i: false, 2: false }, 1, 0, { i: false, 2: true }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 0, { i: false, 2: false }, 1, 0, { i: false, 2: true }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 1, { i: true, 2: false }, 1, 0, { i: true, 2: true }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 0, { i: false, 2: false }, 0, 0, { i: true, 2: false }], ])('.disable with keys of %j, activeStep: %d, initial disabled: %j, we disabled index %d', ( steps, initialActiveStep, initialDisabled, indexToDisable, activeStep, disabled) => { let current: any = null; beforeEach(() => { const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps, ...stepActions }, { activeStep: initialActiveStep, disabled: initialDisabled })); act(() => { result.current.disable(indexToDisable); }); current = result.current; }); it(`sets activeStep to ${activeStep}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(current.activeStep).toBe(activeStep); }); it(`sets disabled to properly`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(current.disabled).toStrictEqual(disabled); }); }); }); describe('.enable', () => { describe.each([ [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 1, { i: false, 2: false }, 1, 1, { i: false, 2: false }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 0, { i: false, 2: true }, 1, 0, { i: false, 2: false }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 1, { i: true, 2: false }, 1, 1, { i: true, 2: false }], [[{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], 0, { i: true, 2: false }, 0, 0, { i: false, 2: false }], ])('.enable with keys of %j, activeStep: %d, initial enabled: %j, we enable index %d', ( steps, initialActiveStep, initialDisabled, indexToEnable, activeStep, disabled) => { let current: any = null; beforeEach(() => { const { result } = renderHook(() => useSteps({ steps, ...stepActions }, { activeStep: initialActiveStep, disabled: initialDisabled })); act(() => { result.current.enable(indexToEnable); }); current = result.current; }); it(`sets activeStep to ${activeStep}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(current.activeStep).toBe(activeStep); }); it(`sets disabled to properly`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(current.disabled).toStrictEqual(disabled); }); }); }); describe('modify steps', () => { function createTableEntry(props: { initial: { steps: KeyedStep[], activeStep?: number, disabled?: KeyedStepMap<boolean>, completed?: KeyedStepMap<boolean> }, stepChange: KeyedStep[], expectation: { activeStep?: number, disabled?: KeyedStepMap<boolean>, completed?: KeyedStepMap<boolean> } } ): [ KeyedStep[], number | undefined, KeyedStepMap<boolean> | undefined, KeyedStepMap<boolean> | undefined, // initial KeyedStep[], //stepChange number | undefined, KeyedStepMap<boolean>, KeyedStepMap<boolean> //expectations ] { const expectation = { activeStep: props.initial.activeStep || 0, disabled: props.initial.disabled || fromPairs(props.initial.steps.map(i => [i.key, false])), completed: props.initial.completed || fromPairs(props.initial.steps.map(i => [i.key, false])), ...props.expectation, }; return [ props.initial.steps, props.initial.activeStep, props.initial.disabled, props.initial.completed, props.stepChange, expectation.activeStep, expectation.disabled, expectation.completed, ]; } describe.each([ createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }] }, stepChange: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], expectation: { }, }), createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], activeStep: 0 }, stepChange: [ { key: '2' }], expectation: { disabled: {2: false}, completed: {2: false}, }, }), createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], activeStep: 1 }, stepChange: [ { key: 'i' }], expectation: { activeStep: 0, disabled: {i: false}, completed: {i: false}, }, }), createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }, {key: 'last'}], activeStep: 2, disabled: {i: false, 2: true, last:false}}, stepChange: [ { key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }], expectation: { activeStep: 0, disabled: {i: false, 2: true}, completed: {i: false, 2: false}, }, }), createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }, {key: 'last'}], activeStep: 2, disabled: {i: false, 2: true, last:false}}, stepChange: [ { key: 'i' }, {key: 'last'}, { key: '2' }], expectation: { activeStep: 1, disabled: {i: false, 2: true, last:false}, completed: {i: false, 2: false, last: false}, }, }), createTableEntry({ initial: { steps: [{ key: 'i' }, { key: '2' }, {key: 'last'}], activeStep: 2, disabled: {i: false, 2: true, last:false}}, stepChange: [ {key: 'last'},{ key: 'i' }], expectation: { activeStep: 0, disabled: {i: false, last:false}, completed: {i: false, last: false}, }, }), ])('with initial steps %j, active: %d, disabled: %o, completed: %o and change steps to %j', ( initialSteps, initialActiveStep, initialDisabled, initialCompleted, stepChange, expectationActiveStep, expectationDisabled, expectationCompleted ) => { let finalState:ReturnType<typeof useSteps>; beforeEach(() => { const { result, rerender } = renderHook((steps) => useSteps({ steps, ...stepActions }, { activeStep: initialActiveStep, disabled: initialDisabled, completed: initialCompleted }), {initialProps: initialSteps}); rerender(stepChange); finalState = result.current; }); it(`has the correct steps of ${JSON.stringify(stepChange)}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(finalState.steps).toStrictEqual(stepChange); }); it(`has an activeStep of ${expectationActiveStep}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(finalState.activeStep).toBe(expectationActiveStep); }); it(`has an disabled list of ${JSON.stringify(expectationDisabled)}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(finalState.disabled).toStrictEqual(expectationDisabled); }); it(`has completed list of ${JSON.stringify(expectationCompleted)}`, () => { expect.hasAssertions(); expect(finalState.completed).toStrictEqual(expectationCompleted); }); }); });