<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later
# Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE -%>
<!-- settings/_pricing -->

<header class='pane-header'>
	<h3>Pricing Plan</h3>

<div class='pane-inner'>
    <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.name %>
    $<%= Format::Currency.cents_to_dollars @nonprofit.billing_plan.amount %> <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.interval || 'monthly'%>
    <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.percentage_fee > 0 ? ', ' + (@nonprofit.billing_plan.percentage_fee * 100).round(2).to_s + '%' : '' %>
    <em><small>Our processor (Stripe) assesses an additional 2.2% + $0.30 for each online payment.</small></em></p>

  <% if @nonprofit.billing_plan.amount > 0  %>
    <p><a class='u-color--red u-small' href='/nonprofits/<%=@nonprofit.id%>/billing_subscription/cancellation'>Unsubscribe from plan</a></p>
        <a href='/nonprofits/<%= @nonprofit.id %>/card/edit'>
          Update payment method
  <% end %>

	<% if @nonprofit.active_card %>
		<label>Payment Method</label>
		<p>Current payment method for your nonprofit:
			<strong><%= @nonprofit.active_card.name %></strong>
	<% end %>

	<p class='note u-marginTop--10'>If you have any questions about your current plan, please contact <a href='mailto:<%= Houdini.support_email %>'><%= Houdini.support_email %></a></p>