# Getting Started ## Dependencies --- You'll need to have in your Mac the following dependencies installed, if you don't want to use the provided Docker containers. - Ruby `2.5.1` - Rails `` - Node `11.12.0` ## Local Config --- Instructions for running Development environment using macOS Catalina ### Initial steps _Dependencies:_ Have a ruby version installed, you can learn more about how to use multiple versions of Ruby installed in your computer with [rbenv](https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv) or [rvm](https://rvm.io). An instance of PostgresSQL running. _Setting up secrets:_ Run `cp .env.template .env` to copy the provided template file for env variables to create your own. You'll need to provide a `DEVISE_SECRET_KEY` and `SECRET_TOKEN` which you can obtain by running `bundle exec rake secret`. Set the following secrets in your `.env` file with your _Stripe account_ information. - `STRIPE_API_KEY` with your Stripe _private_ key. - `STRIPE_API_PUBLIC` with your Stripe _public_ key. The last secrets you'll need are related to AWS. You can learn how to [create an S3 Bucket](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/UsingBucket.html) within the AWS Documentation, and to obtain your access and secret key, you can [learn more here](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/wheres-my-secret-access-key/). - `S3_BUCKET_NAME` - `AWS_ACCESS_KEY` - `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` _Setting up the local database:_ Run `rake db:setup` to run all the db tasks within one command. This will create the dbs for each environment, load the `structure.sql`, run pending migrations and will also run the seed functionality. --- **Known problems** If you encounter `database doesnt exist in rake db create` after running both `rake db:setup` and `rake db:create`, you'll need to comment out the lines these lines at `pg_type_map.rb` ```ruby Qx.config(type_map: PG::BasicTypeMapForResults.new(ActiveRecord::Base.connection.raw_connection)) Qx.execute("SET TIME ZONE utc") ``` ### How to run You'll need 2 consoles to run the project. One for the rails env and another one to run the asset pipeline through [webpack](https://webpack.js.org), since it's _not incorporated yet_ into the rails asset pipeline. ```bash # Console one (1) bundle exec rails server ``` ```bash # Console two (2) yarn watch # #### Notes #### # If you get errors from running this command. # You'll need to manually run the following commands. npm run export-button-config npm run export-i18n npm run generate-api-js # Now we're able to watch! npx webpack --watch ``` ## Testing --- Run `bundle exec rspec` to run test suite. ## Formatting We are using [Standard](https://github.com/testdouble/standard) that is a wrapper on top of Rubocop with a predefined set of Rules. If you use VS Code you will want to install [vscode-ruby](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=rebornix.Ruby) extension and enable formatting on save. To enable formatting on save add these lines to your `settings.json`. ```json { "[ruby]": { "editor.formatOnSave": true }, "ruby.lint": { "rubocop": true }, "ruby.format": "rubocop", "editor.formatOnSaveTimeout": 5000 } ```