<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later # Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE -%> <!-- partial: supporters/fields --> <!-- include css: donation_form/form --> <!-- depends on @nonprofit being set --> <% profile = nil if profile.nil? # weird hack so erb doesn't throw an exception when profile is not passed in %> <% required ||= {} %> <% show_anon = true if show_anon.nil? %> <% # we need to generate a unique id for the "anonymous" checkbox if this form is included multiple times throughout a page %> <% unique_id_token = SecureRandom.uuid %> <div class='u-marginY--10'> <fieldset> <input class='u-marginBottom--0' type='email' title='Email <%= required[:email] ? "(required)" : nil %>' name='email' <%= required[:email] ? "required" : nil %> value='<%= profile && profile.user.email %>' placeholder='Email <%= required[:email] ? "(required)" : nil %>'> </fieldset> <section class='group'> <%= render 'nonprofits/supporters/fieldset', cssClass: 'col-8', profile: profile, name: 'name', placeholder: 'Full name', required: required[:name] %> <%= render 'nonprofits/supporters/fieldset', cssClass: 'col-right-4', profile: profile, name: 'phone', placeholder: 'Phone' %> </section> <%= render 'supporters/manual_address_fields', profile: profile %> <% if !@nonprofit.no_anon && show_anon %> <div class='u-marginTop--10'> <input type='checkbox' id='anon-<%= unique_id_token%>' name='anonymous' <%= profile && profile.anonymous ? 'checked':'' %>> <label id='anonLabel' for='anon-<%= unique_id_token %>'><small>Make this donation anonymous.</small></label> </div> <% end %> </div> <input type='hidden' name='nonprofit_id' value='<%= @nonprofit.id %>'> <input type='hidden' name='profile_id' value='<%= profile && profile.id %>'> <!-- end partial: supporters/fields -->