# frozen_string_literal: true # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later # Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE require 'rails_helper' <% output_attributes = attributes.reject{|attribute| [:datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date].index(attribute.type) } -%> RSpec.describe "<%= ns_table_name %>/edit", <%= type_metatag(:view) %> do before(:each) do @<%= ns_file_name %> = assign(:<%= ns_file_name %>, <%= class_name %>.create!(<%= '))' if output_attributes.empty? %> <% output_attributes.each_with_index do |attribute, attribute_index| -%> <%= attribute.name %>: <%= attribute.default.inspect %><%= attribute_index == output_attributes.length - 1 ? '' : ','%> <% end -%> <%= output_attributes.empty? ? "" : " ))\n" -%> end it "renders the edit <%= ns_file_name %> form" do render assert_select "form[action=?][method=?]", <%= ns_file_name %>_path(@<%= ns_file_name %>), "post" do <% for attribute in output_attributes -%> <%- name = attribute.respond_to?(:column_name) ? attribute.column_name : attribute.name %> <% if Rails.version.to_f >= 5.1 -%> assert_select "<%= attribute.input_type -%>[name=?]", "<%= ns_file_name %>[<%= name %>]" <% else -%> assert_select "<%= attribute.input_type -%>#<%= ns_file_name %>_<%= name %>[name=?]", "<%= ns_file_name %>[<%= name %>]" <% end -%> <% end -%> end end end