const h = require('snabbdom/h') const R = require('ramda') const flyd = require('flyd') const uuid = require('uuid') // A contact info form for a donor to add a dedication in honor/memory of somebody function view(state) { var radioId1 = uuid.v1() // need unique ids for the checkbox id and label for attrs var radioId2 = uuid.v1() var data = state.dedicationData$() || {} return h('form.dedication-form', { on: {submit: ev => {ev.preventDefault(); state.submitDedication$(ev.currentTarget)}} }, [ h('p.u-centered.u-strong.u-marginBottom--10', I18n.t('')) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0.col-6', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'dedication_type' , type: 'radio' , id: radioId1 , value: 'honor' , selected: data.dedication_type === 'honor' }}) , h('label', {props: {htmlFor: radioId1}}, I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.in_honor_label')) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'dedication_type' , type: 'radio' , value: 'memory' , id: radioId2 , selected: data.dedication_type === 'memory' }}) , h('label', {props: {htmlFor: radioId2}}, I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.in_memory_label')) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0.col-6', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'first_name' , placeholder: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.first_name') , title: 'First name' , type: 'text' , value: data.first_name }}) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'last_name' , placeholder: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.last_name') , title: 'Last name' , type: 'text' , value: data.last_name }}) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0.col-6', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'email' , placeholder: I18n.t('') , title: 'Email' , type: 'text' , value: }}) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'phone' , placeholder: I18n.t('') , title: 'Phone' , type: 'text' , value: }}) ]) , h('fieldset.u-marginBottom--0', [ h('input', {props: { name: 'address' , placeholder: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.full_address') , title: 'Address' , type: 'text' , value: data.address }}) ]) , h('fieldset', [ h('textarea', {props: { name: 'dedication_note' , placeholder: I18n.t('nonprofits.donate.dedication.note') , title: 'Note' , value: data.dedication_note }}) ]) , h('div.u-centered', [ h('button.button', I18n.t('')) ]) ]) } module.exports = {view}