const R = require('ramda') const flyd = require('flyd') const h = require('snabbdom/h') const format = require('../../common/format') const branding = require('../../components/nonprofit-branding') // This is the box currently at the top right that shows some big metrics for // the campaign, a big Contribute button (if enabled to show), days remaining // (and a "campaign is done" message if no days remaining) function init(parentState) { var state = { clickContribute$: , timeRemaining$: parentState.timeRemaining$ , metrics$: parentState.metrics$ , loading$: parentState.loadingMetrics$ } return state } function view(state) { return h('div.pastelBox--grey--dark.u-relative.u-marginBottom--15.u-padding--15', [ metrics(state) , endedMessage(state) , progressBar(state) , contributeButton(state) ]) } const metrics = state => { return h('div.campaignMetrics', [ totalSupporters(state) , totalRaised(state) , daysLeft(state) ]) } const totalSupporters = state => { if(!app.campaign.show_total_count) return '' return h('div', [ h('h4', [ state.loading$() ? h('i.fa.fa-spin.fa-spinner') : format.numberWithCommas(state.metrics$().supporters_count) ]) , h('p', 'supporters') ]) } const totalRaised = state => { if(!app.campaign.show_total_raised) return '' return h('div', [ h('h4', [ state.loading$() ? h('i.fa.fa-spin.fa-spinner') : '$' + format.centsToDollars(state.metrics$().total_raised, {noCents: true}) ]) , h('p', [ 'raised' , app.campaign.hide_goal ? '' : ' of $' + format.centsToDollars(app.campaign.goal_amount) + ' goal' ]) ]) } const daysLeft = state => { if(!state.timeRemaining$()) return '' return h('div', [ h('h4', state.timeRemaining$()) , h('p', 'remaining') ]) } const endedMessage = state => { if(state.timeRemaining$()) return '' return h('p', [ `This campaign has ended, but you can still contribute by clicking the button below.` ]) } const progressBar = state => { if(app.campaign.hide_thermometer) return '' return h('div.progressBar--medium.u-marginBottom--15', [ h('div.progressBar--medium-fill', { style: { width: R.clamp(1,100, format.percent( state.metrics$().goal_amount , state.metrics$().total_raised ) + '%') , 'background-color': branding.light , transition: 'width 1s' } }) ]) } const contributeButton = state => { return h('a.js-contributeButton.button--jumbo.u-width--full', { style: {'background-color': branding.base} , on: {click: state.clickContribute$} }, [ 'Contribute' ]) } module.exports = { init, view }