// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later // based upon https://github.com/davidkalosi/js-money import isFunction from 'lodash/isFunction'; const assertSameCurrency = function (left: Money, right: Money) { if (left.currency !== right.currency) throw new Error('Different currencies'); }; const assertType = function (other: unknown) { if (!(other instanceof Money)) throw new TypeError('Instance of Money required'); }; const assertOperand = function (operand: unknown) { if (typeof operand !== 'number' || isNaN(operand) && !isFinite(operand)) throw new TypeError('Operand must be a number'); }; type MoneyAsJson = { amount: number, currency: string } /** * Represents a monetary amount. For safety, all Money objects are immutable. All of the functions in this class create a new Money object. * * To create a new Money object is to use the `fromCents` function. * @export * @class Money */ export class Money { /** * Create a `Money` object with the given number if smallest monetary units and the ISO currency. Another name for the `fromCents` function. * @static * @memberof Money */ static fromSMU = Money.fromCents readonly currency: string protected constructor(readonly amount: number, currency: string) { this.currency = currency.toLowerCase(); const methodsToBind = [this.equals, this.add, this.subtract, this.multiply, this.divide, this.allocate, this.compare, this.greaterThan, this.greaterThanOrEqual, this.lessThan, this.lessThanOrEqual, this.isZero, this.isPositive, this.isNegative, this.toJSON]; methodsToBind.forEach((func) => Object.bind(func)); Object.freeze(this); } /** * Create a `Money` object with the given number of cents and the ISO currency unit * @static * @param {number} amount * @param {string} currency * @return Money * @memberof Money */ static fromCents(amount: MoneyAsJson): Money; static fromCents(amount: Money): Money; static fromCents(amount: number, currency: string): Money; static fromCents(amount: number | Money | MoneyAsJson, currency?: string): Money { if (typeof amount === 'number') return new Money(amount, currency); if (amount instanceof Money) return new Money(amount.amount, amount.currency); else return new Money(amount.amount, amount.currency); } /** * Adds the two objects together creating a new Money instance that holds the result of the operation. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {Money} */ add(other: Money): Money { assertType(other); assertSameCurrency(this, other); return new Money(this.amount + other.amount, this.currency); } /** * Allocates fund bases on the ratios provided returing an array of objects as a product of the allocation. * * @param {Array} other * @param {Money[]} */ allocate(ratios: number[]): Money[] { let remainder = this.amount; const results: Money[] = []; let total = 0; ratios.forEach(function (ratio) { total += ratio; }); ratios.forEach(function (ratio) { const share = Math.floor(this.amount * ratio / total); results.push(new Money(share, this.currency)); remainder -= share; }); for (let i = 0; remainder > 0; i++) { results[i] = new Money(results[i].amount + 1, results[i].currency); remainder--; } return results; } /** * Compares two instances of Money. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {Number} */ compare(other: Money): number { assertType(other); assertSameCurrency(this, other); if (this.amount === other.amount) return 0; return this.amount > other.amount ? 1 : -1; } /** * Divides the object by the multiplier returning a new Money instance that holds the result of the operation. * * @param {Number} divisor * @param {(x:number) => number} [fn=Math.round] * @returns {Money} */ divide(divisor: number, fn?: (x: number) => number): Money { if (!isFunction(fn)) fn = Math.round; assertOperand(divisor); const amount = fn(this.amount / divisor); return new Money(amount, this.currency); } /** * Returns true if the two instances of Money are equal, false otherwise. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {Boolean} */ equals(other: Money): boolean { assertType(other); return this.amount === other.amount && this.currency === other.currency; } /** * Checks whether the value represented by this object is greater than the other. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {boolean} */ greaterThan(other: Money): boolean { return 1 === this.compare(other); } /** * Checks whether the value represented by this object is greater or equal to the other. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {boolean} */ greaterThanOrEqual(other: Money): boolean { return 0 <= this.compare(other); } /** * Returns true if the amount is negative * * @returns {boolean} * @memberof Money */ isNegative(): boolean { return this.amount < 0; } /** * Returns true if the amount is positive. * * @returns {boolean} */ isPositive(): boolean { return this.amount > 0; } /** * Returns true if the amount is zero. * * @returns {boolean} */ isZero(): boolean { return this.amount === 0; } /** * Checks whether the value represented by this object is less than the other. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {boolean} */ lessThan(other: Money): boolean { return -1 === this.compare(other); } /** * Checks whether the value represented by this object is less than or equal to the other. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {boolean} */ lessThanOrEqual(other: Money): boolean { return 0 >= this.compare(other); } /** * Multiplies the object by the multiplier returning a new Money instance that holds the result of the operation. * * @param {number} multiplier * @param {(x:number) => number} [fn=Math.round] * @returns {Money} */ multiply(multiplier: number, roundingFunction: (x: number) => number): Money { if (!isFunction(roundingFunction)) roundingFunction = Math.round; assertOperand(multiplier); const amount = roundingFunction(this.amount * multiplier); return new Money(amount, this.currency); } /** * Subtracts the two objects creating a new Money instance that holds the result of the operation. * * @param {Money} other * @returns {Money} */ subtract(other: Money): Money { assertType(other); assertSameCurrency(this, other); return new Money(this.amount - other.amount, this.currency); } /** * Returns a serialised version of the instance. * * @returns {{amount: number, currency: string}} */ toJSON(): MoneyAsJson { return { amount: this.amount, currency: this.currency, }; } }