// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later // from https://github.com/mtraynham/lodash-joins/blob/c252b462981562451d85d1e09c8f273ce7fe06c5/lib/hash/index.spec.ts import assign from 'lodash/assign'; import hashFullOuterJoin from './hashFullOuterJoin'; import hashInnerJoin from './hashInnerJoin'; import hashLeftAntiJoin from './hashLeftAntiJoin'; import hashLeftOuterJoin from './hashLeftOuterJoin'; import hashLeftSemiJoin from './hashLeftSemiJoin'; import hashRightAntiJoin from './hashRightAntiJoin'; import hashRightOuterJoin from './hashRightOuterJoin'; import hashRightSemiJoin from './hashRightSemiJoin'; import {Accessor, Merger} from '../typings'; interface Row { id: string; left?: number; right?: number; } describe('Hash Joins', () => { const left: Row[] = [ {id: 'c', left: 0}, {id: 'c', left: 1}, {id: 'e', left: 2} ]; const right: Row[] = [ {id: 'a', right: 0}, {id: 'b', right: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 2}, {id: 'c', right: 3}, {id: 'd', right: 4}, {id: 'f', right: 5}, {id: 'g', right: 6} ]; const accessor: Accessor<Row, string> = (obj: Row): string => obj.id; const merger: Merger<Row, Row, Row> = (l: Row, r: Row): Row => assign({}, l, r); describe('#hashFullOuterJoin()', () => { const expectedA = [ {id: 'a', right: 0}, {id: 'b', right: 1}, {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 3}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 3}, {id: 'd', right: 4}, {id: 'f', right: 5}, {id: 'g', right: 6}, {id: 'e', left: 2} ], expectedB = [ {id: 'a', right: 0}, {id: 'b', right: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 1}, {id: 'd', right: 4}, {id: 'f', right: 5}, {id: 'g', right: 6}, {id: 'e', left: 2} ], resultA = hashFullOuterJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor, merger), resultB = hashFullOuterJoin(right, accessor, left, accessor, merger), resultC = hashFullOuterJoin([], accessor, [], accessor, merger), resultD = hashFullOuterJoin(left, accessor, [], accessor, merger), resultE = hashFullOuterJoin([], accessor, right, accessor, merger); it('should return 10 rows if parent is left', () => expect(resultA.length).toBe(10)); it('should match the expected output if parent is left', () => expect(resultA).toEqual(expectedA)); it('should return 8 rows if parent is right', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(10)); it('should match the expected output if parent is right', () => expect(resultB).toEqual(expectedB)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultC.length).toBe(0)); it('should return just the left side if empty right side', () => expect(resultD.length).toBe(left.length)); it('should return just the right side if empty left side', () => expect(resultE.length).toBe(right.length)); }); describe('#hashInnerJoin()', () => { const expectedA = [ {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 3}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 3} ], expectedB = [ {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 1} ], resultA = hashInnerJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor, merger), resultB = hashInnerJoin(right, accessor, left, accessor, merger), resultC = hashInnerJoin([], accessor, right, accessor, merger); it('should return 5 rows if parent is left', () => expect(resultA.length).toBe(4)); it('should match the expected output if parent is left', () => expect(resultA).toEqual(expectedA)); it('should return 5 rows if parent is right', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(4)); it('should match the expected output if parent is right', () => expect(resultB).toEqual(expectedB)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultC.length).toBe(0)); }); describe('#hashLeftAntiJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'e', left: 2} ], result = hashLeftAntiJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor), resultB = hashLeftAntiJoin([], accessor, right, accessor); it('should return 1 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(1)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); }); describe('#hashLeftOuterJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 2}, {id: 'c', left: 0, right: 3}, {id: 'c', left: 1, right: 3}, {id: 'e', left: 2} ], result = hashLeftOuterJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor, merger), resultB = hashLeftOuterJoin([], accessor, right, accessor, merger), resultC = hashLeftOuterJoin(left, accessor, [], accessor, merger); it('should return 5 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(5)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); it('should return just the left side if empty right side', () => expect(resultC.length).toBe(left.length)); }); describe('#hashLeftSemiJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'c', left: 0}, {id: 'c', left: 1} ], result = hashLeftSemiJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor), resultB = hashLeftSemiJoin([], accessor, right, accessor); it('should return 2 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(2)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); }); describe('#hashRightAntiJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'a', right: 0}, {id: 'b', right: 1}, {id: 'd', right: 4}, {id: 'f', right: 5}, {id: 'g', right: 6} ], result = hashRightAntiJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor), resultB = hashRightAntiJoin(left, accessor, [], accessor); it('should return 5 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(5)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should match the left anti join with right as the parent', () => expect(hashLeftAntiJoin(right, accessor, left, accessor)).toEqual(result)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); }); describe('#hashRightOuterJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'a', right: 0}, {id: 'b', right: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 2, left: 1}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 0}, {id: 'c', right: 3, left: 1}, {id: 'd', right: 4}, {id: 'f', right: 5}, {id: 'g', right: 6} ], result = hashRightOuterJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor, merger), resultB = hashRightOuterJoin(left, accessor, [], accessor, merger); it('should return 9 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(9)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should match the left outer join with right as the parent', () => expect(hashLeftOuterJoin(right, accessor, left, accessor, merger)).toEqual(result)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); }); describe('#hashRightSemiJoin()', () => { const expected = [ {id: 'c', right: 2}, {id: 'c', right: 3} ], result = hashRightSemiJoin(left, accessor, right, accessor), resultB = hashRightSemiJoin(left, accessor, [], accessor); it('should return 2 rows', () => expect(result.length).toBe(2)); it('should match the expected output', () => expect(result).toEqual(expected)); it('should match the left semi join with right as the parent', () => expect(hashLeftSemiJoin(right, accessor, left, accessor)).toEqual(result)); it('should return empty results for empty input', () => expect(resultB.length).toBe(0)); }); });