# License: CC0-1.0 # Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: hello: "Hello world" activerecord: attributes: campaign_comment: body: 'Comment content' organization: name: "Organisation" donation: amount: "Total Amount" date: "Transaction Date" campaign: "Campaign" recurring_interval: "Recurring Interval" interval: "Every %{interval} %{time_unit}" recurring_since: "Recurring Since" comment: "Comment" payment_id: "Payment ID" mailer: donations: donation_receipt: "Donation Receipt" donor_name: "Donor Name" donor_receipt: subject: "Donation receipt for %{nonprofit_name}" transfer_info_html: "This transfer will appear on your bank statement as %{label}" transfer_label_html: "Donation %{nonprofit_statement}." oneoff_donation_html: "Thank you for your donation to %{nonprofit_name} and for joining thousands of people across Europe who are invested in making our movement a true force to be reckoned with. Your support will go towards ensuring we can move fast to win the campaigns that matter to all of us." recurring_donation_html: "Thank you for your regular donation to %{nonprofit_name} and for joining thousands of people across Europe who are invested in making our movement a true force to be reckoned with. Your support will go towards ensuring we can move fast to win the campaigns that matter to all of us." donor_direct_debit_notification: subject: "Donation receipt for %{nonprofit_name}" transfer_info_html: "This transfer will appear on your bank statement as %{label}" transfer_label_html: "Donation %{nonprofit_statement}." donation_queued_html: "Your direct debit donation towards %{nonprofit_name} has been queued for processing." recurring_donation_queued_html: "Thank you for your regular donation to %{nonprofit_name} and for joining thousands of people across Europe who are invested in making our movement a true force to be reckoned with. Your support will go towards ensuring we can move fast to win the campaigns that matter to all of us." nonprofits: donate: signed_in: "Signed in as" log_out: "Logout" campaign: name: "" tagline: "" amount: label: "Amount" sustaining: "Become a sustaining, monthly contributor" sustaining_bold: "sustaining, monthly" sustaining_selected: "Select an amount for your monthly contribution" sustaining_selected_bold: "monthly" monthly: "monthly" weekly: "weekly" weekly_notice: "*to keep bank fees low, we'll debit %{amount} %{currency} monthly" custom: "Custom" designation: label: "Designation:" choose: "Choose a designation (optional)" most_needed: "Use my donation where most needed" next: "Next" info: label: "Info" supporter: email: "Email" email_required: " (required for receipt)" full_name: "Full name" first_name: "First name" last_name: "Last name" phone: "Phone" address: "Address" city: "City" state: "Select state" country: "Country" other_country: "Other" region: "Region" postal_code: "Postal code" shipping_address: "Shipping address (required)" errors: email: format: "Please enter a valid email address" dedication_link: "Make this donation in honor/memory of someone." dedication_saved: "Dedicating donation to " anonymous_checkbox: "Make this donation anonymous." next: "Next" dedication: info: "Add a dedication for your donation:" in_honor_label: "In honor of" in_memory_label: "In memory of" first_name: "First name" last_name: "Last name" email: "Email (optional)" phone: "Phone (optional)" full_address: "Full Address (optional)" note: "Note or message" save: "Save & Return" donor_note: "The donor's note was: " payment: label: "Payment" one_time: "one-time" monthly_recurring: "monthly recurring" tabs: card: "Credit Card" sepa: "Direct Debit" loading: checking_card: "Checking card..." sending_payment: "Sending the payment..." card: name: "Cardholder's Name" number: "Card Number" cvc: "CVC" postal_code: "Zip Code" month: "Month" year: "Year" submit: "Submit" loading: "Saving..." secure_info: "Transactions secured with 256-bit SSL" errors: field: presence: "This field is required" format: "This doesn't look like the right format" number: presence: "Please enter your card number" format: "That card number doesn't look right" email: format: "Please enter a valid email address" sepa: name: "Account owner name" iban: "IBAN" bic: "BIC/SWIFT" errors: field: presence: "This field is required" format: "This doesn't look like the right format" followup: success: "Your donation was successful!" receipt_info: "A receipt will be emailed to" message: "appreciates your support!" share: facebook: "Share" twitter: "Tweet" twitter_message: "Join me in supporting" finish: "Finish" registration: get_started: header: "Get started" description: "Let's get started with Houdini. To begin, fill out your initial info nonprofit and user info." wizard: tabs: nonprofit: "Nonprofit" contact: "Contact" nonprofit: name: "Organization Name" website: "Website URL" email: "Org Email (public)" phone: "Org Phone (public)" city: "City" state: "State" zip: "Zip Code" contact: name: "Your Name" email: "Your Email (used for login)" password: "New Password" password_confirmation: "Retype Password" phone: "Your Phone (for account recovery)" save_and_finish: "Save & Finish" saving: "Saving..." next: "Next" footer: terms_and_privacy: "Terms & Privacy" about: "About"