# frozen_string_literal: true # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later require 'rails_helper' require 'support/test_upload_service' describe ExportPayments do before(:each) do stub_const('CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE', TestUploadService.new) end let(:email) { 'example@example.com' } let(:user) { force_create(:user, email: email) } let(:nonprofit) { force_create(:nm_justice) } let(:supporters) do [force_create(:supporter, name: 'supporter-0', nonprofit: nonprofit), force_create(:supporter, name: 'supporter-1', nonprofit: nonprofit)] end let(:payments) do [force_create(:payment, gross_amount: 1000, fee_total: 99, net_amount: 901, supporter: supporters[0], nonprofit: nonprofit), force_create(:payment, gross_amount: 2000, fee_total: 22, net_amount: 1978, supporter: supporters[1], nonprofit: nonprofit)] end before(:each) do payments end context '.initiate_export' do context 'param verification' do it 'performs initial verification' do expect { ExportPayments.initiate_export(nil, nil, nil) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ParamValidation::ValidationError) expect(error.data.length).to eq(6) expect_validation_errors(error.data, [{ key: 'npo_id', name: :required }, { key: 'npo_id', name: :is_integer }, { key: 'user_id', name: :required }, { key: 'user_id', name: :is_integer }, { key: 'params', name: :required }, { key: 'params', name: :is_hash }]) end) end it 'nonprofit doesnt exist' do fake_npo = 8_888_881 expect { ExportPayments.initiate_export(fake_npo, {}, 8_888_883) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ParamValidation::ValidationError) expect(error.message).to eq "Nonprofit #{fake_npo} doesn't exist!" end) end it 'user doesnt exist' do fake_user = 8_888_883 expect { ExportPayments.initiate_export(nonprofit.id, {}, fake_user) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ParamValidation::ValidationError) expect(error.message).to eq "User #{fake_user} doesn't exist!" end) end end it 'creates an export object and schedules job' do Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 5) do params = { param1: 'pp' }.with_indifferent_access expect{ ExportPayments.initiate_export(nonprofit.id, params, user.id) }.to have_enqueued_job(PaymentExportCreateJob) export = Export.first expected_export = { id: export.id, user_id: user.id, nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, status: 'queued', export_type: 'ExportPayments', parameters: params.to_json, updated_at: Time.now, created_at: Time.now, url: nil, ended: nil, exception: nil }.with_indifferent_access expect(export.attributes).to eq(expected_export) end end end context '.run_export' do context 'param validation' do it 'rejects basic invalid data' do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(nil, nil, nil, nil) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ParamValidation::ValidationError) expect_validation_errors(error, [{ key: 'npo_id', name: :required }, { key: 'npo_id', name: :is_integer }, { key: 'user_id', name: :required }, { key: 'user_id', name: :is_integer }, { key: 'params', name: :required }, { key: 'params', name: :is_json }, { key: 'export_id', name: :required }, { key: 'export_id', name: :is_integer }]) end) end it 'rejects json which isnt a hash' do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(1, [{ item: '' }, { item: '' }].to_json, 1, 1) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a(ParamValidation::ValidationError) expect_validation_errors(error, [ { key: :params, name: :is_hash } ]) end) end it 'no export throw an exception' do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(0, { x: 1 }.to_json, 0, 11_111) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError expect(error.data[:key]).to eq :export_id expect(error.message).to start_with('Export') end) end it 'no nonprofit' do Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 5) do @export = force_create(:export, user: user) Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 6) do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(0, { x: 1 }.to_json, user.id, @export.id) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError expect(error.data[:key]).to eq :npo_id expect(error.message).to start_with('Nonprofit') @export.reload expect(@export.status).to eq 'failed' expect(@export.exception).to eq error.to_s expect(@export.ended).to eq Time.now expect(@export.updated_at).to eq Time.now # expect(user).to have_received_email(subject: "Your payment export has failed") end) end end end it 'no user' do Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 5) do @export = force_create(:export, user: user) Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 6) do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(nonprofit.id, { x: 1 }.to_json, 0, @export.id) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError expect(error.data[:key]).to eq :user_id expect(error.message).to start_with('User') @export.reload expect(@export.status).to eq 'failed' expect(@export.exception).to eq error.to_s expect(@export.ended).to eq Time.now expect(@export.updated_at).to eq Time.now end) end end end end it 'handles exception in upload properly' do Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 5) do @export = force_create(:export, user: user) CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.raise_error Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 6) do expect { ExportPayments.run_export(nonprofit.id, {}.to_json, user.id, @export.id) }.to(raise_error do |error| expect(error).to be_a StandardError expect(error.message).to eq TestUploadService::TEST_ERROR_MESSAGE @export.reload expect(@export.status).to eq 'failed' expect(@export.exception).to eq error.to_s expect(@export.ended).to eq Time.now expect(@export.updated_at).to eq Time.now end) expect(ExportPaymentsFailedJob).to have_been_enqueued.with(@export) end end end it 'uploads as expected' do Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 5) do @export = create(:export, user: user, created_at: Time.now, updated_at: Time.now) Timecop.freeze(2020, 4, 6, 1, 2, 3) do ExportPayments.run_export(nonprofit.id, {}.to_json, user.id, @export.id) expect(ExportPaymentsCompletedJob).to have_been_enqueued.with(@export) @export.reload expect(@export.url).to eq 'http://fake.url/tmp/csv-exports/payments-04-06-2020--01-02-03.csv' expect(@export.status).to eq 'completed' expect(@export.exception).to be_nil expect(@export.ended).to eq Time.now expect(@export.updated_at).to eq Time.now csv = CSV.parse(CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.output) expect(csv.length).to eq 3 expect(csv[0]).to eq MockHelpers.payment_export_headers expect(CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.options[:content_type]).to eq 'text/csv' expect(CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.options[:content_disposition]).to eq 'attachment' end end end end end