# frozen_string_literal: true # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later module ExportRecurringDonations def self.initiate_export(npo_id, params, user_id) ParamValidation.new({ npo_id: npo_id, params: params, user_id: user_id }, npo_id: { required: true, is_integer: true }, params: { required: true, is_hash: true }, user_id: { required: true, is_integer: true }) npo = Nonprofit.where('id = ?', npo_id).first unless npo raise ParamValidation::ValidationError.new("Nonprofit #{npo_id} doesn't exist!", key: :npo_id) end user = User.where('id = ?', user_id).first unless user raise ParamValidation::ValidationError.new("User #{user_id} doesn't exist!", key: :user_id) end e = Export.create(nonprofit: npo, user: user, status: :queued, export_type: 'ExportRecurringDonations', parameters: params.to_json) RecurringDonationsExportCreateJob.perform_later(npo_id, params.to_json, user_id, e.id) end def self.run_export(npo_id, params, user_id, export_id) # need to check that ParamValidation.new({ npo_id: npo_id, params: params, user_id: user_id, export_id: export_id }, npo_id: { required: true, is_integer: true }, params: { required: true, is_json: true }, user_id: { required: true, is_integer: true }, export_id: { required: true, is_integer: true }) params = JSON.parse(params, object_class: HashWithIndifferentAccess) # verify that it's also a hash since we can't do that at once ParamValidation.new({ params: params }, params: { is_hash: true }) begin export = Export.find(export_id) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound raise ParamValidation::ValidationError.new("Export #{export_id} doesn't exist!", key: :export_id) end export.status = :started export.save! unless Nonprofit.exists?(npo_id) raise ParamValidation::ValidationError.new("Nonprofit #{npo_id} doesn't exist!", key: :npo_id) end user = User.where('id = ?', user_id).first unless user raise ParamValidation::ValidationError.new("User #{user_id} doesn't exist!", key: :user_id) end file_date = Time.now.getutc.strftime('%m-%d-%Y--%H-%M-%S') filename = "tmp/csv-exports/recurring_donations-#{file_date}.csv" ChunkedUploader.upload(QueryRecurringDonations.for_export_enumerable(npo_id, params, 30_000).map(&:to_csv)) do |io| CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.upload(filename, io, content_type: 'text/csv', content_disposition: 'attachment') end url = CHUNKED_UPLOAD_SERVICE.url(filename) export.url = url export.status = :completed export.ended = Time.now export.save! ExportRecurringDonationsCompletedJob.perform_later(export) rescue StandardError => e if export export.status = :failed export.exception = e.to_s export.ended = Time.now export.save! if user ExportRecurringDonationsFailedJob.perform_later(export) end raise e end raise e end end