# For tracking and calculating timespans/time intervals # Relies on activesupport Timespan = Struct.new(:interval, :time_unit) do Units = ['week', 'day', 'month', 'year'] TimeUnits = { '1_week' => 1.week.ago, '2_weeks' => 2.weeks.ago, '1_month' => 1.month.ago, '3_months' => 3.months.ago, '6_months' => 6.months.ago, '1_year' => 1.year.ago, '2_years' => 2.years.ago } # Test if end_date is past start_date by timespan # eg: later_than_by?(Jun 13th, Jul 14th, 1.month) -> true # Special case: # later_than_by?(Jan 31st, Feb 28th, 1.month) -> true def self.later_than_by?(start_date, end_date, timespan) return (start_date + timespan) <= end_date end # Given an Integer (frequency) and a String (time unit), # return the timespan object (ie. number of seconds) constituting the timespan # timespan(1, 'minute') -> 60 # timespan(1, 'month') -> 2592000 def self.create(interval, time_unit) raise(ArgumentError, "time_unit must be one of: #{Units}") unless Units.include?(time_unit) return interval.send(time_unit.to_sym) end def self.in_future?(datetime) datetime > Time.current end def self.date_now_or_in_future?(date) date >= Date.today end def self.in_past?(date) date < Time.current end end