require 'qexpr' require 'psql' require 'email' require 'format/currency' require 'format/csv' module QuerySupporters # Query supporters and their donations and gift levels for a campaign def self.campaign_list_expr(np_id, campaign_id, query) expr ='supporters') .left_outer_join('donations', '') .left_outer_join('campaign_gifts', '') .left_outer_join('campaign_gift_options', '') .where("supporters.nonprofit_id=$id", id: np_id) .where("donations.campaign_id=$id", id: campaign_id) .group_by('') .order_by('MAX( DESC') if query[:search].present? expr = expr.where(%Q( ILIKE $search OR ILIKE $search OR ILIKE $search ), search: '%' + query[:search] + '%') end return expr end # Used in the campaign donor listing def self.campaign_list(np_id, campaign_id, query) limit = 50 offset = Qexpr.page_offset(limit, query[:page]) data = Psql.execute( campaign_list_expr(np_id, campaign_id, query).select( '', '', '', 'SUM(donations.amount) AS total_raised', 'ARRAY_AGG(DISTINCT AS campaign_gift_names', 'DATE(MAX(donations.created_at)) AS latest_gift', ).limit(limit).offset(offset) ) total_count = Psql.execute("COUNT(s)") .from(campaign_list_expr(np_id, campaign_id, query).remove(:order_by).select('').as('s').parse) ).first['count'] return { data: data, total_count: total_count, remaining: Qexpr.remaining_count(total_count, limit, query[:page]) } end def self.full_search_metrics(np_id, query) total_count = full_filter_expr(np_id, query) .select("COUNT(supporters)") .remove_clause(:order_by) .execute.first['count'] return { total_count: total_count, remaining_count: Qexpr.remaining_count(total_count, 30, query[:page]) } end # Full supporter search mainly for /nonprofits/id/supporters dashboard def self.full_search(np_id, query) select = [ '', '', 'supporters.is_unsubscribed_from_emails', ' AS id', 'tags.names AS tags', "to_char(payments.max_date, 'MM/DD/YY') AS last_contribution", 'payments.sum AS total_raised' ] if query[:select] select += query[:select].split(',') end supps = full_filter_expr(np_id, query) .select(*select) .paginate(query[:page].to_i, 30) .execute return { data: supps } end def self._full_search(np_id, query) select = [ '', '', 'supporters.is_unsubscribed_from_emails', ' AS id', 'tags.names AS tags', "to_char(payments.max_date, 'MM/DD/YY') AS last_contribution", 'payments.sum AS total_raised' ] if query[:select] select += query[:select].split(',') end supps = full_filter_expr(np_id, query) .select(*select) .paginate(query[:page].to_i, query[:page_length].to_i) .execute return { data: supps } end # Given a list of supporters, you may want to remove duplicates from those supporters. # @param [Enumerable[Supporter]] supporters def self._remove_dupes_on_a_list_of_supporters(supporters, np_id) new_supporters =supporters.clone.to_a QuerySupporters.dupes_on_name_and_email(np_id).each{|duplicates| matched_in_group = false duplicates.each{|i| supporter = new_supporters.find{|s| == i} if (supporter) if (matched_in_group) new_supporters.delete(supporter) else matched_in_group = true end end } } return new_supporters end # Perform all filters and search for /nonprofits/id/supporters dashboard and export def self.full_filter_expr(np_id, query) payments_subquery ="supporter_id", "SUM(gross_amount)", "MAX(date) AS max_date", "MIN(date) AS min_date", "COUNT(*) AS count") .from(:payments) .group_by(:supporter_id) .as(:payments) tags_subquery ="tag_joins.supporter_id", "ARRAY_AGG( AS ids", "ARRAY_AGG( AS names") .from(:tag_joins) .join(:tag_masters, "") .where("tag_masters.deleted IS NULL") .group_by("tag_joins.supporter_id") .as(:tags) expr ='').from(:supporters) .where( ["supporters.nonprofit_id=$id", id: np_id.to_i], ["supporters.deleted != true"] ) .left_join( [tags_subquery, ""], [payments_subquery, ""] ) .order_by('payments.max_date DESC NULLS LAST') if query[:last_payment_after].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.max_date > $d", d: Chronic.parse(query[:last_payment_after])) end if query[:last_payment_before].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.max_date < $d", d: Chronic.parse(query[:last_payment_before])) end if query[:first_payment_after].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.min_date > $d", d: Chronic.parse(query[:first_payment_after])) end if query[:first_payment_before].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.min_date < $d", d: Chronic.parse(query[:first_payment_before])) end if query[:total_raised_greater_than].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.sum > $amount", amount: query[:total_raised_greater_than].to_i * 100) end if query[:total_raised_less_than].present? expr = expr.and_where("payments.sum < $amount OR payments.supporter_id IS NULL", amount: query[:total_raised_less_than].to_i * 100) end if ['week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'].include? query[:has_contributed_during] d = Time.current.send('beginning_of_' + query[:has_contributed_during]) expr = expr.and_where("payments.max_date >= $d", d: d) end if ['week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year'].include? query[:has_not_contributed_during] d = Time.current.send('beginning_of_' + query[:has_not_contributed_during]) expr = expr.and_where("payments.count = 0 OR payments.max_date <= $d", d: d) end if query[:MAX_payment_before].present? date_ago = Timespan::TimeUnits[query[:MAX_payment_before]].utc expr = expr.and_where("payments.max_date < $date OR payments.count = 0", date: date_ago) end if query[:search].present? expr = expr.and_where(%Q( ILIKE $search OR ILIKE $search OR supporters.organization ILIKE $search ), search: '%' + query[:search] + '%') end if query[:notes].present? notes_subquery ="STRING_AGG(content, ' ') as content, supporter_id") .from(:supporter_notes) .group_by(:supporter_id) .as(:notes) expr = expr.add_left_join(notes_subquery, "") .and_where("to_tsvector('english', notes.content) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', $notes)", notes: query[:notes]) end if query[:custom_fields].present? c_f_subquery ="STRING_AGG(value, ' ') as value", "supporter_id") .from(:custom_field_joins) .group_by("custom_field_joins.supporter_id") .as(:custom_fields) expr = expr.add_left_join(c_f_subquery, "") .and_where("to_tsvector('english', custom_fields.value) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', $custom_fields)", custom_fields: query[:custom_fields]) end if query[:location].present? expr = expr.and_where("lower( LIKE $city OR lower(supporters.zip_code) LIKE $zip", city: query[:location].downcase, zip: query[:location].downcase) end if query[:recurring].present? rec_ps_subquery ="payments.count", "payments.supporter_id") .from(:payments) .where("kind='RecurringDonation'") .group_by("payments.supporter_id") .as(:rec_ps) expr = expr.add_left_join(rec_ps_subquery, "") .and_where('rec_ps.count > 0') end if query[:ids].present? expr = expr.and_where(" IN ($ids)", ids: query[:ids].split(",").map(&:to_i)) end if query[:select].present? expr =*query[:select].split(",").map{|x| Qx.quote_ident(x)}) end # Sort by supporters who have all of the list of tag names if query[:tags].present? tag_ids = (query[:tags].is_a?(String) ? query[:tags].split(',') : query[:tags]).map(&:to_i) expr = expr.and_where("tags.ids @> ARRAY[$tag_ids]", tag_ids: tag_ids) end if query[:campaign_id].present? expr = expr.add_join("donations", " AND donations.campaign_id=#{query[:campaign_id].to_i}") end if query[:event_id].present? expr = expr .add_join("MAX(tickets.event_id) AS event_id", "tickets.supporter_id") .from(:tickets) .group_by(:supporter_id) .as(:tickets), "" ) .and_where("tickets.event_id=$id", id: query[:event_id]) end if ['asc', 'desc'].include? query[:sort_name] expr = expr.order_by(["", query[:sort_name]]) end if ['asc', 'desc'].include? query[:sort_contributed] expr = expr.and_where("payments.sum > 0").order_by(["payments.sum", query[:sort_contributed]]) end if ['asc', 'desc'].include? query[:sort_last_payment] expr = expr.order_by(["payments.max_date", "#{query[:sort_last_payment].upcase} NULLS LAST"]) end return expr end # Give supp data for csv def self.for_export(np_id, query) expr = full_filter_expr(np_id, query) selects = supporter_export_selections.concat([ '(payments.sum / 100)::money::text AS total_contributed', ' AS id' ]) if query[:export_custom_fields] # Add a select/csv-column for every custom field master for this nonprofit # and add a left join for every custom field master # eg if the npo has a custom field like Employer with id 99, then the query will be # SELECT export_cfj_Employer.value AS Employer, ... # FROM supporters # LEFT JOIN custom_field_joins AS export_cfj_Employer ON AND export_cfj_Employer.custom_field_master_id=99 # ... ids = query[:export_custom_fields].split(',').map(&:to_i) if ids.any? cfms ="name", "id").from(:custom_field_masters).where(nonprofit_id: np_id).and_where("id IN ($ids)", ids: ids).ex do |cfm| table_alias = "cfjs_#{cfm['name'].gsub(/\$/, "")}" table_alias_quot = "\"#{table_alias}\"" field_join_subq ="STRING_AGG(value, ',') as value", "supporter_id") .from("custom_field_joins") .join("custom_field_masters" , "") .where("$id", id: cfm['id']) .group_by(:supporter_id) .as(table_alias) expr.add_left_join(field_join_subq, "#{table_alias_quot}") selects = selects.concat(["#{table_alias_quot}.value AS \"#{cfm['name']}\""]) end end end supporter_note_query ="STRING_AGG(supporter_notes.created_at || ': ' || supporter_notes.content, '\r\n' ORDER BY supporter_notes.created_at DESC) as notes", "supporter_notes.supporter_id") .from(:supporter_notes) .group_by('supporter_notes.supporter_id') .as("supporter_note_query") expr.add_left_join(supporter_note_query, '') selects = selects.concat(["supporter_note_query.notes AS notes"]) 'csv') end def self.supporter_export_selections [ "substring( from '^.+ ([^\s]+)$') AS \"Last Name\"", "substring( from '^(.+) [^\s]+$') AS \"First Name\"", " AS \"Full Name\"", "supporters.organization AS \"Organization\"", " \"Email\"", " \"Phone\"", "supporters.address \"Address\"", " \"City\"", "supporters.state_code \"State\"", "supporters.zip_code \"Postal Code\"", " \"Country\"", "supporters.anonymous \"Anonymous?\"", " \"Supporter ID\"" ] end # Return an array of groups of ids, where sub-array is a group of duplicates # Partial sql expression def self.dupes_expr(np_id)"ARRAY_AGG(id) AS ids") .from(:supporters) .where("nonprofit_id=$id", id: np_id) .and_where("deleted='f' OR deleted IS NULL") .having('COUNT(id) > 1') end # Merge on exact supporter and email match # Find all duplicate supporters by the email column # returns array of arrays of ids # (each sub-array is a group of duplicates) def self.dupes_on_email(np_id) dupes_expr(np_id) .and_where("email IS NOT NULL") .and_where("email != ''") .group_by(:email) .execute(format: 'csv')[1..-1] .map(&:flatten) end # Find all duplicate supporters by the name column def self.dupes_on_name(np_id) dupes_expr(np_id) .and_where("name IS NOT NULL") .group_by(:name) .execute(format: 'csv')[1..-1] .map(&:flatten) end # Find all duplicate supporters that match on both name/email # @return [Array[Array]] an array containing arrays of the ids of duplicate supporters def self.dupes_on_name_and_email(np_id) dupes_expr(np_id) .and_where("name IS NOT NULL AND email IS NOT NULL AND email != ''") .group_by("name, email") .execute(format: 'csv')[1..-1] .map(&:flatten) end # Create an export that lists donors with their total contributed amounts # Underneath each donor, we separately list each individual payment # Only including payments for the given year def self.end_of_year_donor_report(np_id, year) supporter_expr = .select( supporter_export_selections.concat(["(payments.sum / 100.0)::money::text AS \"Total Contributions #{year}\"", ""]) ) .from(:supporters) .join( .select("SUM(gross_amount)", "supporter_id") .from(:payments) .group_by(:supporter_id) .where("date >= $date", date: "#{year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") .where("date < $date", date: "#{year+1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") .as(:payments), "") .where('payments.sum > 25000') .as('supporters') Psql.execute_vectors( .select( "supporters.*", '(payments.gross_amount / 100.0)::money::text AS "Donation Amount"', ' AS "Donation Date"', 'payments.towards AS "Designation"' ) .from(:payments) .join(supporter_expr, ' = payments.supporter_id') .where('payments.nonprofit_id = $id', id: np_id) .where(' >= $date', date: "#{year}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") .where(' < $date', date: "#{year+1}-01-01 00:00:00 UTC") .order_by("supporters.\"MAX Name\", DESC") ) end # returns an array of common selects for supporters # which gets concated with an optional array of additional selects # used for merging supporters, crm profile and info card def self.profile_selects(arr = []) ["", "", "", "supporters.address", "supporters.state_code", "", "supporters.zip_code", "", "supporters.organization", ""] + arr end # used on crm profile and info card def self.profile_payments_subquery"supporter_id", "SUM(gross_amount)", "COUNT(id) AS count") .from("payments") .group_by("supporter_id") .as("payments") end # Get a large set of detailed info for a single supporter, to be displayed in # the side panel details of the supporter listing after clicking a row. def self.for_crm_profile(npo_id, ids) selects = [ "supporters.created_at", "supporters.imported_at", "supporters.anonymous AS anon", "supporters.is_unsubscribed_from_emails", "COALESCE(MAX(payments.sum), 0) AS raised", "COALESCE(MAX(payments.count), 0) AS payments_count", "COALESCE(COUNT(, 0) AS recurring_donations_count", "MAX(full_contact_infos.full_name) AS fc_full_name", "MAX(full_contact_infos.age) AS fc_age", "MAX(full_contact_infos.location_general) AS fc_location_general", "MAX(full_contact_infos.websites) AS fc_websites"]*QuerySupporters.profile_selects(selects)) .from("supporters") .left_join( ["donations", ""], ["full_contact_infos", ""], ["recurring_donations", ""], [QuerySupporters.profile_payments_subquery, ""]) .group_by("") .where(" IN ($ids)", ids: ids) .and_where("supporters.nonprofit_id = $id", id: npo_id) .execute end def self.for_info_card(id) selects = ["COALESCE(MAX(payments.sum), 0) AS raised"]*QuerySupporters.profile_selects(selects)) .from("supporters") .left_join([QuerySupporters.profile_payments_subquery, ""]) .group_by("") .where("$id", id: id) .execute.first end def self.merge_data(ids)*QuerySupporters.profile_selects) .from("supporters") .group_by("") .where(" IN ($ids)", ids: ids.split(',')) .execute end def self.year_aggregate_report(npo_id, time_range_params) npo_id = npo_id.to_i begin min_date, max_date = get_min_or_max_dates_for_range(time_range_params) rescue ArgumentError => e raise, {}) end{npo_id: npo_id}, { npo_id: {required: true, is_integer: true} }) aggregate_dons = %Q( array_to_string( array_agg( payments.created_at::date || ' ' || (payments.gross_amount / 100)::text::money || ' ' || coalesce(payments.kind, '') || ' ' || coalesce(payments.towards, '') ORDER BY payments.created_at DESC ), '\n' ) AS "Payment History" ) selects = supporter_export_selections.concat([ "SUM(payments.gross_amount / 100)::text::money AS \"Total Payments\"", "MAX( AS \"Last Payment Date\"", "AVG(payments.gross_amount / 100)::text::money AS \"Average Payment\"", aggregate_dons ]) return .from(:supporters) .join("payments", " AND >= $min_date AND < $max_date",:min_date => min_date.to_date, :max_date => max_date.to_date ) .where('supporters.nonprofit_id=$id', id: npo_id) .group_by("") .order_by("substring(trim( from '^.+ ([^\s]+)$')") .execute(format: 'csv') end # def self.get_min_or_max_dates_for_range(time_range_params) begin if (time_range_params[:year]) if (time_range_params[:year].is_a?(Integer)) return[:year], 1, 1),[:year]+1, 1, 1) end if (time_range_params[:year].is_a?(String)) wip = time_range_params[:year].to_i return, 1, 1),, 1, 1) end end if (time_range_params[:start]) wip = time_range_params[:start].is_a?(DateTime) ? time_range_params[:start] : nil if (wip.nil? && time_range_params[:start].is_a?(Date)) wip = time_range_params[:start].to_datetime end if(wip.nil? && time_range_params[:start].is_a?(String)) wip = DateTime.parse(time_range_params[:start]) end unless wip.nil? return wip, wip + 1.year end end raise"no valid time range provided") rescue raise"no valid time range provided") end end def self.tag_joins(nonprofit_id, supporter_id)'', '') .from('tag_joins') .left_join('tag_masters', ' = tag_joins.tag_master_id') .where( ['tag_joins.supporter_id = $id', id: supporter_id], ['coalesce(tag_masters.deleted, FALSE) = FALSE'], ['tag_masters.nonprofit_id = $id', id: nonprofit_id] ) .execute end # this is inefficient, don't use in live code def self.find_supporters_with_multiple_recurring_donations_evil_way(npo_id) supporters = Supporter.where('supporters.nonprofit_id = ?', npo_id).includes(:recurring_donations){|s| s.recurring_donations.length > 1} end # this is inefficient, don't use in live code def self.find_supporters_with_multiple_active_recurring_donations_evil_way(npo_id) supporters = Supporter.where('supporters.nonprofit_id = ?', npo_id).includes(:recurring_donations){|s|{|rd| }.length > 1} end end