module ApplicationHelper def resource_name :user end def resource @resource ||= end def devise_mapping @devise_mapping ||= Devise.mappings[:user] end def print_currency(cents, unit="EUR", sign=true) dollars = cents.to_f / 100.0 dollars = number_to_currency(dollars, :unit => "#{unit} ", :precision => (dollars.round == dollars) ? 0 : 2) dollars = dollars[1..-1] if !sign dollars end def print_percent(rate) (rate.to_f * 100).round(2) end ## Dates def simple_date date_object, timezone=nil return '' if date_object.nil? date_object = date_object.in_time_zone(timezone) if timezone date_object.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end def simple_time time_object, timezone=nil return '' if time_object.nil? time_object = time_object.in_time_zone(timezone) if timezone time_object.strftime("%l:%M%P") end def readable_date date_object date_object.strftime("%B %d, %Y") end def date_and_time date_object, timezone=nil date_object = date_object.in_time_zone(timezone) if timezone date_object.strftime("%m/%d/%Y %I:%M%P (%Z)") end def us_states [ ['Alabama', 'AL'], ['Alaska', 'AK'], ['Arizona', 'AZ'], ['Arkansas', 'AR'], ['California', 'CA'], ['Colorado', 'CO'], ['Connecticut', 'CT'], ['Delaware', 'DE'], ['District of Columbia', 'DC'], ['Florida', 'FL'], ['Georgia', 'GA'], ['Hawaii', 'HI'], ['Idaho', 'ID'], ['Illinois', 'IL'], ['Indiana', 'IN'], ['Iowa', 'IA'], ['Kansas', 'KS'], ['Kentucky', 'KY'], ['Louisiana', 'LA'], ['Maine', 'ME'], ['Maryland', 'MD'], ['Massachusetts', 'MA'], ['Michigan', 'MI'], ['Minnesota', 'MN'], ['Mississippi', 'MS'], ['Missouri', 'MO'], ['Montana', 'MT'], ['Nebraska', 'NE'], ['Nevada', 'NV'], ['New Hampshire', 'NH'], ['New Jersey', 'NJ'], ['New Mexico', 'NM'], ['New York', 'NY'], ['North Carolina', 'NC'], ['North Dakota', 'ND'], ['Ohio', 'OH'], ['Oklahoma', 'OK'], ['Oregon', 'OR'], ['Pennsylvania', 'PA'], ['Puerto Rico', 'PR'], ['Rhode Island', 'RI'], ['South Carolina', 'SC'], ['South Dakota', 'SD'], ['Tennessee', 'TN'], ['Texas', 'TX'], ['Utah', 'UT'], ['Vermont', 'VT'], ['Virginia', 'VA'], ['Washington', 'WA'], ['West Virginia', 'WV'], ['Wisconsin', 'WI'], ['Wyoming', 'WY'] ] end # Append a parameter to a URL string def url_with_param(param, val, url) url + (url.include?('?') ? '&' : '?') + param + '=' + val end # Prepend 'http://' if it is not present in a given url # Used for linking to nonprofit-provided website def add_http url if url[/^http:\/\//] || url[/^https:\/\//] url else 'http://' + url end end end