require 'active_record' require 'colorize' class Qx ## # Initialize the database connection using a database url # Running this is required for #execute to work # Pass in a hash. For now, it only takes on key called :database_url # Include the full url including userpass and database name # For example: # Qx.config(database_url: 'postgres://admin:password@localhost/database_name') @@type_map = nil def self.config(h) @@type_map = h[:type_map] end #, only used internally def initialize(tree) @tree = tree self end def self.transaction(&block) ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do yield block end end def self.parse_select(expr) str = 'SELECT' if expr[:DISTINCT_ON] str += " DISTINCT ON (#{expr[:DISTINCT_ON].map(&:to_s).join(', ')})" elsif expr[:DISTINCT] str += ' DISTINCT' end str += ' ' + expr[:SELECT].map { |expr| expr.is_a?(Qx) ? expr.parse : expr }.join(', ') throw'FROM clause is missing for SELECT') unless expr[:FROM] str += ' FROM ' + expr[:FROM] str += expr[:JOIN].map { |from, cond| " JOIN #{from} ON #{cond}" }.join if expr[:JOIN] str += expr[:LEFT_JOIN].map { |from, cond| " LEFT JOIN #{from} ON #{cond}" }.join if expr[:LEFT_JOIN] str += expr[:LEFT_OUTER_JOIN].map { |from, cond| " LEFT OUTER JOIN #{from} ON #{cond}" }.join if expr[:LEFT_OUTER_JOIN] str += expr[:JOIN_LATERAL].map {|i| " JOIN LATERAL (#{i[:select_statement]}) #{i[:join_name]} ON #{i[:success_condition]}"}.join if expr[:JOIN_LATERAL] str += expr[:LEFT_JOIN_LATERAL].map {|i| " LEFT JOIN LATERAL (#{i[:select_statement]}) #{i[:join_name]} ON #{i[:success_condition]}"}.join if expr[:LEFT_JOIN_LATERAL] str += ' WHERE ' + expr[:WHERE].map { |w| "(#{w})" }.join(' AND ') if expr[:WHERE] str += ' GROUP BY ' + expr[:GROUP_BY].join(', ') if expr[:GROUP_BY] str += ' HAVING ' + expr[:HAVING].map { |h| "(#{h})" }.join(' AND ') if expr[:HAVING] str += ' ORDER BY ' + expr[:ORDER_BY].map { |col, order| col + (order ? ' ' + order : '') }.join(', ') if expr[:ORDER_BY] str += ' LIMIT ' + expr[:LIMIT] if expr[:LIMIT] str += ' OFFSET ' + expr[:OFFSET] if expr[:OFFSET] str = "(#{str}) AS #{expr[:AS]}" if expr[:AS] str = "EXPLAIN #{str}" if expr[:EXPLAIN] str end # Parse a Qx expression tree into a single query string that can be executed # def self.parse(expr) if expr.is_a?(String) return expr # already parsed elsif expr.is_a?(Array) return expr.join(',') elsif expr[:INSERT_INTO] str = "INSERT INTO #{expr[:INSERT_INTO]} (#{expr[:INSERT_COLUMNS].join(', ')})" throw'VALUES (or SELECT) clause is missing for INSERT INTO') unless expr[:VALUES] || expr[:SELECT] throw"For safety, you can't use SELECT without insert columns for an INSERT INTO") if !expr[:INSERT_COLUMNS] && expr[:SELECT] if expr[:SELECT] str += ' ' + parse_select(expr) else str += " VALUES #{expr[:VALUES].map { |vals| "(#{vals.join(', ')})" }.join(', ')}" end if expr[:ON_CONFLICT] str += ' ON CONFLICT' if expr[:CONFLICT_COLUMNS] str += " (#{expr[:CONFLICT_COLUMNS].join(', ')})" elsif expr[:ON_CONSTRAINT] str += " ON CONSTRAINT #{expr[:ON_CONSTRAINT]}" end str += ' DO NOTHING' if !expr[:CONFLICT_UPSERT] if expr[:CONFLICT_UPSERT] set_str = expr[:INSERT_COLUMNS].select{|i| i != 'created_at'}.map{|i| "#{i} = EXCLUDED.#{i}" } str += " DO UPDATE SET #{set_str.join(', ')}" end end str += ' RETURNING ' + expr[:RETURNING].join(', ') if expr[:RETURNING] elsif expr[:SELECT] str = parse_select(expr) elsif expr[:DELETE_FROM] str = 'DELETE FROM ' + expr[:DELETE_FROM] throw'WHERE clause is missing for DELETE FROM') unless expr[:WHERE] str += ' WHERE ' + expr[:WHERE].map { |w| "(#{w})" }.join(' AND ') str += ' RETURNING ' + expr[:RETURNING].join(', ') if expr[:RETURNING] elsif expr[:UPDATE] str = 'UPDATE ' + expr[:UPDATE] throw'SET clause is missing for UPDATE') unless expr[:SET] throw'WHERE clause is missing for UPDATE') unless expr[:WHERE] str += ' SET ' + expr[:SET] str += ' FROM ' + expr[:FROM] if expr[:FROM] str += ' WHERE ' + expr[:WHERE].map { |w| "(#{w})" }.join(' AND ') str += ' ' + expr[:ON_CONFLICT] if expr[:ON_CONFLICT] str += ' RETURNING ' + expr[:RETURNING].join(', ') if expr[:RETURNING] end str end # An instance method version of the above def parse Qx.parse(@tree) end #"id").from("supporters").execute def execute(options = {}) expr = Qx.parse(@tree).to_s.encode('UTF-8', 'binary', invalid: :replace, undef: :replace, replace: '') Qx.execute_raw(expr, options) end alias ex execute # Can pass in an expression string or another Qx object # Qx.execute("SELECT id FROM table_name", {format: 'csv'}) # Qx.execute("id").from("table_name")) def self.execute(expr, data = {}, options = {}) return expr.execute(data) if expr.is_a?(Qx) interpolated = Qx.interpolate_expr(expr, data) execute_raw(interpolated, options) end # options # verbose: print the query # format: 'csv' | 'hash' give data csv style with Arrays -- good for exports or for saving memory def self.execute_raw(expr, options = {}) puts expr if options[:verbose] if options[:copy_csv] expr = "COPY (#{expr}) TO '#{options[:copy_csv]}' DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER" end result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(expr) result.map_types!(@@type_map) if @@type_map if options[:format] == 'csv' data = data.unshift((result.first || {}).keys) else data = { |h| h } end result.clear data = { |row| apply_nesting(row) } if options[:nesting] data end def self.execute_file(path, data = {}, options = {}) Qx.execute_raw(Qx.interpolate_expr(, 'r').read, data), options) end # helpers for JSON conversion def to_json(name) name = name.to_s"array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(#{name})))").from(as(name)) end # -- Top-level clauses def*cols) new(SELECT: cols) end def select(*cols) @tree[:SELECT] = cols self end def add_select(*cols) @tree[:SELECT].push(cols) self end # @returns [Qx] def self.insert_into(table_name, cols = []) new(INSERT_INTO: Qx.quote_ident(table_name), INSERT_COLUMNS: { |c| Qx.quote_ident(c) }) end def insert_into(table_name, cols = []) @tree[:INSERT_INTO] = Qx.quote_ident(table_name) @tree[:INSERT_COLUMNS] = { |c| Qx.quote_ident(c) } self end def self.delete_from(table_name) new(DELETE_FROM: Qx.quote_ident(table_name)) end def delete_from(table_name) @tree[:DELETE_FROM] = Qx.quote_ident(table_name) self end def self.update(table_name) new(UPDATE: Qx.quote_ident(table_name)) end def update(table_name) @tree[:UPDATE] = Qx.quote_ident(table_name) self end # -- Sub-clauses # - SELECT sub-clauses def distinct @tree[:DISTINCT] = true self end def distinct_on(*cols) @tree[:DISTINCT_ON] = cols self end def from(expr) @tree[:FROM] = expr.is_a?(Qx) ? expr.parse : expr.to_s self end def as(table_name) @tree[:AS] = Qx.quote_ident(table_name) self end # Clauses are pairs of expression and data def where(*clauses) ws = Qx.get_where_params(clauses) @tree[:WHERE] = Qx.parse_wheres(ws) self end def and_where(*clauses) ws = Qx.get_where_params(clauses) @tree[:WHERE] ||= [] @tree[:WHERE].concat(Qx.parse_wheres(ws)) self end def group_by(*cols) @tree[:GROUP_BY] = self end def order_by(*cols) orders = /(asc)|(desc)( nulls (first)|(last))?/i # Sanitize out invalid order keywords @tree[:ORDER_BY] = { |col, order| [col.to_s, order.to_s.downcase.strip.match(order.to_s.downcase) ? order.to_s.upcase : nil] } self end def having(expr, data = {}) @tree[:HAVING] = [Qx.interpolate_expr(expr, data)] self end def and_having(expr, data = {}) @tree[:HAVING].push(Qx.interpolate_expr(expr, data)) self end def limit(n) @tree[:LIMIT] = n.to_i.to_s self end def offset(n) @tree[:OFFSET] = n.to_i.to_s self end def join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:JOIN] = Qx.parse_joins(js) self end def add_join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:JOIN] ||= [] @tree[:JOIN].concat(Qx.parse_joins(js)) self end def left_join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:LEFT_JOIN] = Qx.parse_joins(js) self end def add_left_join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:LEFT_JOIN] ||= [] @tree[:LEFT_JOIN].concat(Qx.parse_joins(js)) self end def left_outer_join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:LEFT_OUTER_JOIN] = Qx.parse_joins(js) self end def add_left_outer_join(*joins) js = Qx.get_join_param(joins) @tree[:LEFT_OUTER_JOIN] ||= [] @tree[:LEFT_OUTER_JOIN].concat(Qx.parse_joins(js)) self end def join_lateral(join_name, select_statement, success_condition=true) @tree[:JOIN_LATERAL] ||= [] @tree[:JOIN_LATERAL].concat([{join_name: join_name, select_statement: select_statement, success_condition: success_condition}]) self end def left_join_lateral(join_name, select_statement, success_condition=true) @tree[:LEFT_JOIN_LATERAL] ||= [] @tree[:LEFT_JOIN_LATERAL].concat([{join_name: join_name, select_statement: select_statement, success_condition: success_condition}]) self end # - INSERT INTO / UPDATE # Allows three formats: # insert.values([[col1, col2], [val1, val2], [val3, val3]], options) # insert.values([{col1: val1, col2: val2}, {col1: val3, co2: val4}], options) # insert.values({col1: val1, col2: val2}, options) <- only for single inserts def values(vals) if vals.is_a?(Array) && vals.first.is_a?(Array) cols = vals.first data = vals[1..-1] elsif vals.is_a?(Array) && vals.first.is_a?(Hash) hashes = { |h| h.sort.to_h } # Make sure hash keys line up with all row data cols = hashes.first.keys data = elsif vals.is_a?(Hash) cols = vals.keys data = [vals.values] end @tree[:VALUES] = { |vals| { |d| Qx.quote(d) } } @tree[:INSERT_COLUMNS] = { |c| Qx.quote_ident(c) } self end # A convenience function for setting the same values across all inserted rows def common_values(h) cols = { |col| Qx.quote_ident(col) } data = { |val| Qx.quote(val) } @tree[:VALUES] = @tree[:VALUES].map { |row| row.concat(data) } @tree[:INSERT_COLUMNS] = @tree[:INSERT_COLUMNS].concat(cols) self end # add timestamps to an insert or update def ts now = "'#{}'" if @tree[:VALUES] @tree[:INSERT_COLUMNS].concat %w[created_at updated_at] @tree[:VALUES] = @tree[:VALUES].map { |arr| arr.concat [now, now] } elsif @tree[:SET] @tree[:SET] += ", updated_at = #{now}" end self end alias timestamps ts def returning(*cols) @tree[:RETURNING] = { |c| Qx.quote_ident(c) } self end # Vals can be a raw SQL string or a hash of data def set(vals) if vals.is_a? Hash vals = { |key, val| "#{Qx.quote_ident(key)} = #{Qx.quote(val)}" }.join(', ') end @tree[:SET] = vals.to_s self end def on_conflict() @tree[:ON_CONFLICT] = true self end def conflict_columns(*columns) @tree[:CONFLICT_COLUMNS] = columns self end def on_constraint(constraint) @tree[:ON_CONSTRAINT] = constraint self end def upsert(on_index, columns=nil) @tree[:CONFLICT_UPSERT] = {index: on_index, cols: columns} self end def explain @tree[:EXPLAIN] = true self end # -- Helpers! def self.fetch(table_name, data, options = {}) expr ='*').from(table_name) if data.is_a?(Hash) expr = data.reduce(expr) { |acc, pair| acc.and_where("#{pair.first} IN ($vals)", vals: Array(pair.last)) } else expr = expr.where('id IN ($ids)', ids: Array(data)) end result = expr.execute(options) result end # Given a Qx expression, add a LIMIT and OFFSET for pagination def paginate(current_page, page_length) current_page = 1 if current_page.nil? || current_page < 1 limit(page_length).offset((current_page - 1) * page_length) end def pp str = parse # Colorize some tokens # TODO indent by paren levels str = str .gsub(/(FROM|WHERE|VALUES|SET|SELECT|UPDATE|INSERT INTO|DELETE FROM)/) { Regexp.last_match(1) } .gsub(/(\(|\))/) { Regexp.last_match(1).to_s.cyan } .gsub('$Q$', "'") str end # -- utils attr_reader :tree # Safely interpolate some data into a SQL expression def self.interpolate_expr(expr, data = {}) expr.to_s.gsub(/\$\w+/) do |match| val = data[match.gsub(/[ \$]*/, '').to_sym] vals = val.is_a?(Array) ? val : [val] { |x| Qx.quote(x) }.join(', ') end end # Quote a string for use in sql to prevent injection or weird errors # Always use this for all values! # Just uses double-dollar quoting universally. Should be generally safe and easy. # Will return an unquoted value it it's a Fixnum def self.quote(val) if val.is_a?(Qx) val.parse elsif val.is_a?(Integer) val.to_s elsif val.is_a?(Time) "'" + val.to_s + "'" # single-quoted times for a little better readability elsif val.nil? 'NULL' elsif !!val == val # is a boolean val ? "'t'" : "'f'" else '$Q$' + val.to_s + '$Q$' end end # Double-quote sql identifiers (or parse Qx trees for subqueries) def self.quote_ident(expr) if expr.is_a?(Qx) Qx.parse(expr.tree) else expr.to_s.split('.').map { |s| s == '*' ? s : "\"#{s}\"" }.join('.') end end # Remove a clause from the sql tree def remove_clause(name) name =' ', '_').to_sym @tree.delete(name) self end private # Internal utils # Turn join params into something that .parse can use def self.parse_joins(js) { |table, cond, data| [table.is_a?(Qx) ? table.parse : table, Qx.interpolate_expr(cond, data)] } end # Given an array, determine if it has the form # [[join_table, join_on, data], ...] # or # [join_table, join_on, data] # Always return the former format def self.get_join_param(js) js.first.is_a?(Array) ? js : [[js.first, js[1], js[2]]] end # given either a single hash or a string expr + data, parse it into a single string expression def self.parse_wheres(clauses) do |expr, data| if expr.is_a?(Hash) { |key, val| "#{Qx.quote_ident(key)} IN (#{Qx.quote(val)})" }.join(' AND ') else Qx.interpolate_expr(expr, data) end end end # Similar to get_joins_params, except each where clause is a pair, not a triplet def self.get_where_params(ws) ws.first.is_a?(Array) ? ws : [[ws.first, ws[1]]] end # given either a single, hash, array of hashes, or csv style, turn it all into csv style # util for INSERT INTO x (y) VALUES z def self.parse_val_params(vals) if vals.is_a?(Array) && vals.first.is_a?(Array) cols = vals.first data = vals[1..-1] elsif vals.is_a?(Array) && vals.first.is_a?(Hash) hashes = { |h| h.sort.to_h } cols = hashes.first.keys data = elsif vals.is_a?(Hash) cols = vals.keys data = [vals.values] end [cols, data] end end