<<<<<<< HEAD // License: LGPL-3.0-or-later require('../new/wizard') var request = require("../../common/client") require('../../common/onboard') // setting up some default values appl.def('is_signing_up', true) .def('selected_result_index', -1) appl.def('search_nonprofits', function(value){ // keyCode 13 is the return key. // this conditional just clears the dropdown if(event.keyCode === 13) { appl.def('search_results', []) return } // when the user starts typing, // it sets the selected_results key to false appl.def('selected_result', false) // if the the input is empty, it clears the dropdown if (!value) { appl.def('search_results', []) return } // logic for controlling the dropdown options with up // and down arrows if (returnUpOrDownArrow() && appl.search_results && appl.search_results.length) { event.preventDefault() setIndexWithArrows(returnUpOrDownArrow()) return } // if the input is not an up or down arrow or an empty string // or a return key, then it searches for nonprofits utils.delay(300, function(){ajax_nonprofit_search(value)}) }) function ajax_nonprofit_search(value){ request.get('/nonprofits/search?npo_name=' + value).end(function(err, resp){ if(!resp.body) { appl.def('search_results', []) appl.notify("Sorry, we couldn't find any nonprofits containing the word '" + value + "'") } else { appl.def('selected_result_index', -1) appl.def('search_results', resp.body) } }) } function returnUpOrDownArrow() { var keyCode = event.keyCode if(keyCode === 38) return 'up' if(keyCode === 40) return 'down' } function setIndexWithArrows(dir) { if(dir === 'down') { var search_length = appl.search_results.length -1 appl.def('selected_result_index', appl.selected_result_index === search_length ? search_length : appl.selected_result_index += 1) } else { appl.def('selected_result_index', appl.selected_result_index === 0 ? 0 : appl.selected_result_index -= 1) } } appl.def('select_result', { with_arrows: function(i, node) { addSelectedClass(appl.prev_elem(node)) var selected = appl.search_results[appl.selected_result_index] app.nonprofit_id = selected.id appl.def('selected_result', selected) utils.change_url_param('npo_id', selected.id, '/peer-to-peer') }, with_click: function(i, node) { appl.def('selected_result_index', i) addSelectedClass(appl.prev_elem(node)) var selected = appl.search_results[i] app.nonprofit_id = selected.id appl.def('selected_result', selected) appl.def('search_results', []) utils.change_url_param('npo_id', selected.id, '/peer-to-peer') } }) function addSelectedClass(node) { if(!node || !node.parentElement) return var siblings = node.parentElement.querySelectorAll('li') var len = siblings.length while(len--){siblings[len].className=''} node.className = 'is-selected' } // this is for clearing the dropdown var main = document.querySelector('main') main.onclick = function(ev) { var node = ev.target.nodeName if(node === 'INPUT' || node === 'BUTTON') { return } appl.def('search_results', []) } ======= require('../new/peer_to_peer_wizard') require('../../common/image_uploader') >>>>>>> 2dc48070e... Merge branch 'p2p-campaigns' into h-custom-layout