require 'json' require 'chronic' class ParamValidation # Given a hash of data and a validation hash, check all the validations, raising an Error on the first invalid key # @raise [ValidationError] if one or more of the validations fail. def initialize(data, validations) errors = [] validations.each do |key, validators| val = key === :root ? data : (data[key] || data[key.to_s] || data[key.to_sym]) next if validators[:required].nil? && val.nil? validators.each do |name, arg| validator = @@validators[name] msg = validations[key][:message] next unless validator is_valid = @@validators[name].call(val, arg, data) msg_proc = @@messages[name] msg ||= @@messages[name].call({key: key, data: data, val: val, arg: arg}) if msg_proc errors.push({msg: msg, data: {key: key, val: val, name: name, msg: msg}}) unless is_valid end end if errors.length == 1 raise[0][:msg], errors[0][:data]) elsif errors.length > 1 msg = errors.collect {|e| e[:msg]}.join('\n') raise, errors.collect{|e| e[:data]}) end end def self.messages; @@messages; end def self.set_message(name, &block) @@messages[name] = block end def self.validators; @@validators; end def self.add_validator(name, &block) @@validators[name] = block end def self.structure_validators; @@structure_validators; end def self.add_structure_validator(name, &block) @@structure_validators[name] = block end # In each Proc # - val is the value we are actually validating from the data passed in # - arg is the argument passed into the validator (eg for {required: true}, it is `true`) # - data is the entire set of data @@validators = { required: lambda {|val, arg, data| !val.nil?}, absent: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.nil?}, not_blank: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(String) && val.length > 0}, not_included_in: lambda {|val, arg, data| !arg.include?(val) rescue false}, included_in: lambda {|val, arg, data| arg.include?(val) rescue false}, format: lambda {|val, arg, data| val =~ arg rescue false}, is_integer: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(Integer) || val =~ /\A[+-]?\d+\Z/}, is_float: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(Float) || (!!Float(val) rescue false) }, min_length: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.length >= arg rescue false}, max_length: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.length <= arg rescue false}, length_range: lambda {|val, arg, data| arg.cover?(val.length) rescue false}, length_equals: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.length == arg}, is_reference: lambda{|val, arg, data| (val.is_a?(Integer)&& val >=0) || val =~ /\A\d+\Z/ || val == ''}, equals: lambda {|val, arg, data| val == arg}, min: lambda {|val, arg, data| val >= arg rescue false}, max: lambda {|val, arg, data| val <= arg rescue false}, is_array: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(Array)}, is_hash: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(Hash)}, is_json: lambda {|val, arg, data| ParamValidation.is_valid_json?(val)}, in_range: lambda {|val, arg, data| arg.cover?(val) rescue false}, is_a: lambda {|val, arg, data| arg.kind_of?(Enumerable) ? arg.any? {|i| val.is_a?(i)} : val.is_a?(arg)}, can_be_date: lambda {|val, arg, data| val.is_a?(Date) || val.is_a?(DateTime) || Chronic.parse(val)}, array_of_hashes: lambda {|val, arg, data| data.is_a?(Array) &&{|pair|, arg)}.all?} } @@messages = { required: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} is required"}, absent: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} must not be present"}, not_blank: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} must not be blank"}, not_included_in: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} must not be included in #{h[:arg].join(", ")}"}, included_in: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} must be one of #{h[:arg].join(", ")}"}, format: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} doesn't have the right format"}, is_integer: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should be an integer"}, is_float: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should be a float"}, min_length: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} has a minimum length of #{h[:arg]}"}, max_length: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} has a maximum length of #{h[:arg]}"}, length_range: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should have a length within #{h[:arg]}"}, length_equals: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should have a length of #{h[:arg]}"}, is_reference: lambda{|h| "#{h[:key]} should be an integer or blank"}, equals: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should equal #{h[:arg]}"}, min: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} must be at least #{h[:arg]}"}, max: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} cannot be more than #{h[:arg]}"}, in_range: lambda {|h|"#{h[:key]} should be within #{h[:arg]}"}, is_json: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} should be valid JSON"}, is_hash: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} should be a hash"}, is_a: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} should be of the type(s): #{h[:arg].kind_of?(Enumerable) ? h[:arg].join(', '): h[:arg]}"}, can_be_date: lambda {|h| "#{h[:key]} should be a datetime or be parsable as one"}, array_of_hashes: lambda {|h| "Please pass in an array of hashes"} } # small utility for testing json validity def self.is_valid_json?(str) begin JSON.parse(str) return true rescue => e return false end end # Special error class that holds all the error data for reference class ValidationError < TypeError attr_reader :data # @param [String] msg message for the validation error(s). Multiple error # messages are split by new lines (\n) # @param [Hash, Array<Hash>] data information about the validation failure # or failures. If one failure, a single failure hash is returned, if multiple, an array is returned. # Each failure hash has the following: # * :key - the [Symbol] of the key in the hash where verification failed # * :val - the value of pair in the hash selected by :key # * :name - the [Symbol] for the verification which failed # * :msg - the [String] for the msg for the verifications which failed def initialize(msg, data) @data = data super(msg) end end end