// License: LGPL-3.0-or-later import * as React from "react"; import type { FormatNumberOptions, IntlShape } from "react-intl"; import { Money } from "../common/money"; export declare type FormatMoneyOptions = Omit; export declare type HoudiniIntlShape = IntlShape & { /** * Format a monetary value as a string given the locale * * @param {Money} amount the monetary value to convert to a string * @param {FormatMoneyOptions} [opts] options for controlling how the string should be formatted * @returns {string} */ formatMoney(amount: Money, opts?: FormatMoneyOptions): string; }; export const HoudiniIntlContext = React.createContext(null as HoudiniIntlShape); /** * Use just like `useIntl` for getting strings for the current locale. * * @export * @returns {HoudiniIntlShape} */ export default function useHoudiniIntl() : HoudiniIntlShape { const context = React.useContext(HoudiniIntlContext); return context; }