<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<section class='u-marginBottom--10'>
  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data' -->
  <table class='u-width--full'>
      <td class='u-paddingRight--10 u-width--90'>
        <!--= show_if this.full_contact.photo -->
        <div class='u-centeredBg u-width--80 u-height--80'>
          <!--= set_attr 'style' (cat "background-image: url('" this.full_contact.photo "');") -->
        <h6 class='u-margin--0'>
          <!--= put (any this.name (cat 'Supporter #' this.id)) -->
          <!--= show_if this.full_contact.current_job -->
          <p class='u-flatHeight'><small><strong>
            <!--= put this.full_contact.current_job.title  -->
          <p class='u-flatHeight'><small>
             <!--= put this.full_contact.current_job.name -->

<table class='table--small u-marginBottom--15'>
  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data' -->
    <!--= show_if this.email -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-envelope u-color--grey'></i></td>
    <td class='u-breakWord'>
      <!--= put this.email-->
      <small class='u-color--red'>
        <!--= show_if this.is_unsubscribed_from_emails -->
    <!--= show_if (any this.address this.city this.state_code this.zip_code this.country) -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-map-marker u-color--grey'></i></td>
      <!--= put address_with_commas this.address this.city this.state_code -->
      <!--= put this.zip_code -->
      <!--= put this.country -->
    <!--= show_if (any this.fc_age this.fc_age_range) -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-user u-color--grey'></i></td>
    <td>Age: <!--= put (any this.fc_age this.fc_age_range) --></td>
    <!--= show_if this.phone -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-phone u-color--grey'></i></td>
    <td><!--= put (format_phone this.phone) --></td>
    <!--= show_if this.organization -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-building-o u-color--grey'></i></td>
    <td><!--= put this.organization --></td>
    <!--= show_if this.websites -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-globe u-color--grey'></i></td>
    <td class='u-padding--0'>
      <table class='table--small u-margin--0'>
          <!--= repeat this.websites -->
          <td class='u-breakWord'>
            <a target='_blank'>
              <!--= set_attr 'href' this -->
              <!--= put (clean_url this) -->
    <!--= show_if this.anon -->
    <td><i class='fa fa-eye u-color--grey'></i></td>
      Anonymous supporter

<button class='button--tiny edit u-marginBottom--20'>
  <!--= on 'click' (open_modal 'editSupporterModal') -->
  <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit Supporter

<table class='table--small u-marginBottom--20'>
  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data' -->
		<td>Total Contributed</td>
		<td>$<!--= put (cents_to_dollars this.raised) --></td>
		<td><!--= put this.payments_count --></td>
    <td>Recurring Donations</td>
   <td><!--= put this.recurring_donations_count --></td>

<section class='u-marginBottom--20'>
	<!--= scope 'supporter_details.custom_fields.data' -->
  <table class='u-width--full u-marginBottom--5'>
      <td><label>Custom Fields</label></td>
      <td class='u-textAlign--right'>
        <button class='button--micro edit u-textAlign--right'>
          <!--= on 'click' custom_fields.single.show_modal -->
          <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit Fields

  <!--= hide_if  (length this) -->
    <small class='u-color--grey'>None yet</small>

  <table class='table--small u-marginBottom--15'>
      <!--= repeat this -->
      <!--= show_if this.value -->
        <strong><!--= put this.name -->:</strong>
        <!--= put this.value -->

<table class='u-width--full u-marginBottom--10'>
    <td class='u-textAlign--right'>
      <button class='button--micro edit u-textAlign--right'>
        <!--= on 'click' tags.single.show_modal -->
        <i class='fa fa-pencil'></i> Edit Tags

  <!--= hide_if (length supporter_details.tags.data) -->
    <small class='u-color--grey'>None yet</small>

<div class='u-marginBottom--20 group'>
  <span class='tag'>
  	<!--= repeat supporter_details.tags.data -->
  	<!--= put this.name -->

  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data.full_contact' -->
  <!--= show_if (length this.interests) -->
  <table class='table--small u-marginBottom--20'>
      <!--= repeat this.interests -->
      <td><!--= put this.value --></td>

  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data.full_contact' -->
  <!--= show_if (length this.social) -->
  <label>Social Media</label>
  <table class='table--small u-marginBottom--20'>
      <!--= repeat this.social -->
        <a target='_blank'>
          <!--= set_attr 'href' this.url-->
          <!--= put this.type_id -->
          <!--= show_if this.followers -->
          <i class='fa fa-users u-color--grey'></i>
          <!--= put this.followers -->

  <!--= scope 'supporter_details.data.full_contact' -->
  <!--= show_if (length this.jobs) -->

  <label>Work History</label>
  <table class='table--small u-marginBottom--20'>
      <!--= repeat this.jobs -->
        <p class='u-margin--0'><strong><!--= put this.title --></strong></p>
        <p class='u-margin--0'>
          <small><!--= put this.start_date --></small>
          <small>- <!--= put this.end_date --></small>
            <!--= show_if this.end_date -->
            <!--= show_if this.e -->
        <!--= put this.name-->

<p class='u-color--grey u-fontSize--13'>
  <!--= show_if this.data.imported_at -->
  Import date: <!--= put readable_date this.data.imported_at -->

<button class='u-marginTop--10 button--tiny redText'>
  <!--= on 'click' (confirm 'Are you sure you want to delete this supporter?' delete_selected_supporters) -->
  <i class='fa fa-times'></i> Delete Supporter