<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>

Dear <%= @nonprofit.name %>,

Your invoice for the month of <%= @month_name %> has been paid and the receipt is below.

Payment Receipt for <%= Houdini.general.name %>
Total Amount <%= print_currency(@payment.gross_amount, @payment.nonprofit.currency_symbol) %>
Transaction Date <%= date_and_time(@payment.date, @nonprofit.timezone) %>
Plan Level <%= @nonprofit.billing_plan.name %>
From: CommitChange Inc.
Oakland, CA
EIN 46-3123854
<%= Houdini.support_email %>
To: <%= @nonprofit.name %>
<%= @nonprofit.city + ', ' + @nonprofit.state_code if @nonprofit.city.present? && @nonprofit.state_code.present? %>
<%= 'EIN ' + @nonprofit.ein unless @nonprofit.ein.blank? %>
<%= @nonprofit.email unless @nonprofit.email.blank? %>

From our whole team: thank you so much for your business!

<%= render 'emails/sig' %>