<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later
# Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE -%>

<div class='u-maxWidth--600 u-margin--auto u-marginTop--50 u-padding--15 js-view-confirm'>

  <h3> Subscription Cancellation </h3>

  <p> Your subscription with CommitChange can be cancelled any time without worrying about contracts. </p>

  <p> By cancelling your subscription, we will move you onto the <strong>2.0% tier</strong> and your card will no longer get charged. </p>

  <p> Contact <%= Houdini.hoster.support_email %> if you need any help with exports or migrations. </p>

  <form action="/nonprofits/<%=@nonprofit.id%>/billing_subscription/cancel" method="post">
    <%= hidden_field_tag :authenticity_token, form_authenticity_token %>
    <button class='button red button--micro u-fontSize--14' type='submit'>Cancel my subscription</button>

