# frozen_string_literal: true

# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH WTO-AP-3.0-or-later
# Full license explanation at https://github.com/houdiniproject/houdini/blob/master/LICENSE
require 'rails_helper'

describe InsertTickets do
  include_context :shared_rd_donation_value_context

  # @param [Object] data
  def generate_expected_tickets(data = {})
    amount = data[:gross_amount] || 2000

    data[:payment_fee_total] = data[:payment_fee_total] || 0
    result = {
      payment: {
        date: Time.now,
        donation_id: nil,
        fee_total: -1 * data[:payment_fee_total],
        gross_amount: amount,
        id: data[:payment_id] || 55_555,
        kind: data[:kind] || 'Ticket',
        net_amount: amount - data[:payment_fee_total],
        nonprofit_id: data[:nonprofit].id,
        refund_total: 0,
        supporter_id: data[:supporter].id,
        towards: data[:event].name,
        created_at: Time.now,
        updated_at: Time.now,
        search_vectors: nil

    if data[:offsite_payment]
      result[:offsite_payment] = {
        id: data[:offsite_payment][:id],
        nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id,
        supporter_id: supporter.id,
        date: Time.current,
        payment_id: data[:payment_id],
        kind: data[:offsite_payment][:kind],
        check_number: data[:offsite_payment][:check_number],
        created_at: Time.now,
        updated_at: Time.now,
        gross_amount: amount,

        donation_id: nil,
        user_id: nil
    unless data[:charge_id].nil?
      result[:activity] = {}

      result[:charge] = {
        id: data[:charge_id] || 55_555,
        amount: amount,
        card_id: data[:card].id,
        created_at: Time.now,
        updated_at: Time.now,
        stripe_charge_id: data[:stripe_charge_id],
        fee: data[:payment_fee_total],
        disbursed: nil,
        failure_message: nil,
        payment_id: data[:payment_id] || 55_555,
        nonprofit_id: data[:nonprofit].id,
        status: 'pending',
        profile_id: nil,
        supporter_id: data[:supporter].id,

        donation_id: nil,

        direct_debit_detail_id: nil,

        # deletable
        ticket_id: nil

    result[:tickets] = data[:tickets].map.with_index do |item, i|
        id: item[:id],
        quantity: item[:quantity],
        ticket_level_id: item[:ticket_level_id],
        event_id: data[:event].id,
        supporter_id: data[:supporter].id,
        payment_id: data[:payment_id],
        charge_id: data[:charge_id] || nil,
        event_discount_id: data[:event_discount_id],
        created_at: Time.now,
        updated_at: Time.now,
        checked_in: nil,
        bid_id: i + 1,
        card_id: nil,
        profile_id: nil,
        note: nil,
        deleted: nil,
        source_token_id: nil


  def success_expectations
    expect(InsertTickets).to receive(:generated_ticket_entities).and_wrap_original { |m, *args|
      tickets = m.call(*args)
      ticket_ids = tickets.map(&:id)
      expect(InsertActivities).to receive(:for_tickets).with(ticket_ids)
  describe '.create' do
    it 'does basic validation' do
      expect do
        InsertTickets.create(event_discount_id: 'etheht',
                             kind: 'blah',
                             token: 'none')
      end .to raise_error { |error|
                expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
                expect_validation_errors(error.data, [
                                           { key: :tickets, name: :required },
                                           { key: :tickets, name: :is_array },
                                           { key: :nonprofit_id, name: :required },
                                           { key: :nonprofit_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :supporter_id, name: :required },
                                           { key: :supporter_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :event_discount_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :kind, name: :included_in },
                                           { key: :token, name: :format },
                                           { key: :event_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :event_id, name: :required }

      # test that the quantity ticket_level validation works (it really doesn't very well)
      expect do
        InsertTickets.create(event_discount_id: 'etheht',
                             kind: 'blah',
                             token: 'none', tickets: 2, offsite_payment: 'bhb')
      end .to raise_error { |error|
                expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
                expect_validation_errors(error.data, [
                                           { key: :tickets, name: :is_array },
                                           { key: :nonprofit_id, name: :required },
                                           { key: :nonprofit_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :supporter_id, name: :required },
                                           { key: :supporter_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :event_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :event_id, name: :required },
                                           { key: :event_discount_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :kind, name: :included_in },
                                           { key: :token, name: :format },
                                           { key: :offsite_payment, name: :is_hash }

    it 'validates the ticket hashes' do
      expect do
        InsertTickets.create(nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id,
                             supporter_id: supporter.id,
                             event_id: event.id,
                             tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: 1 }, {}])
      end .to raise_error { |error|
                expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
                expect_validation_errors(error.data, [
                                           { key: :quantity, name: :is_integer },
                                           { key: :quantity, name: :min },
                                           { key: :quantity, name: :required },
                                           { key: :ticket_level_id, name: :is_reference },
                                           { key: :ticket_level_id, name: :required }

    it 'validates the offsite_payment hash' do
      expect do
        InsertTickets.create(nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id,
                             supporter_id: supporter.id,
                             event_id: event.id,
                             tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: 1 }],
                             offsite_payment: { kind: 'not in list' })
      end .to raise_error { |error|
                expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
                expect_validation_errors(error.data, [
                                           { key: :kind, name: :included_in }

    # it 'errors out if token is invalid' do
    #   validation_invalid_token {InsertRecurringDonation.with_stripe(amount: 1, nonprofit_id: 1, supporter_id: 1, token: fake_uuid)}
    # end
    # it 'errors out if token is unauthorized' do
    #   validation_unauthorized {InsertRecurringDonation.with_stripe(amount: charge_amount, nonprofit_id: 1, supporter_id: 1, token: fake_uuid)}
    # end
    # it 'errors out if token is expired' do
    #   validation_expired {InsertRecurringDonation.with_stripe(amount: charge_amount, nonprofit_id: 1, supporter_id: 1, token: fake_uuid)}
    # end
    # it 'card doesnt belong to supporter' do
    #         validation_card_not_with_supporter {InsertTickets.create(tickets:[{quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id}, {quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id}], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: other_source_token.token, event_id: event.id)}
    #       end

    describe 'errors during find if' do
      it 'supporter is invalid' do
        find_error_supporter { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: 55_555, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }

      it 'nonprofit is invalid' do
        find_error_nonprofit { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: 55_555, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }

      it 'event is invalid' do
        find_error_event { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], amount: charge_amount, nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: 5555) }

    describe 'errors during relationship comparison if' do
      it 'supporter is deleted' do
        validation_supporter_deleted { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }

      it 'ticket level is deleted' do
        ticket_level.deleted = true
        expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }.to raise_error { |error|
          expect(error).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
          expect_validation_errors(error.data, [{ key: :tickets }])
          expect(error.message).to include 'deleted'
          expect(error.message).to include "Ticket level #{ticket_level.id}"

      it 'event is deleted' do
        validation_event_deleted { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }

      it 'supporter doesnt belong to nonprofit' do
        validation_supporter_not_with_nonprofit { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: other_nonprofit_supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }

      it 'event doesnt belong to nonprofit' do
        validation_event_not_with_nonprofit { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: other_ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: other_event.id) }

      it 'event discount doesnt belong to event' do
        expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id, event_discount_id: other_event_discount.id) }.to raise_error { |e|
          expect(e).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
          expect_validation_errors(e.data, [{ key: :event_discount_id }])
          expect(e.message).to include "Event discount #{other_event_discount.id}"
          expect(e.message).to include "event #{event.id}"

    it 'verify ticket not available raises properly' do
      expected_error = NotEnoughQuantityError.new(TicketLevel, nil, nil, nil)
      expect(QueryTicketLevels).to receive(:verify_tickets_available).and_raise(expected_error)
      expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id) }.to raise_error(expected_error)

    describe 'gross_amount  > 0' do
      before(:each) do
        # for simplicity, we mock this to $20.00 no matter the ticket choices
        expect(QueryTicketLevels).to receive(:gross_amount_from_tickets).at_least(:once).at_most(:twice).and_return(1600)

      describe 'and kind == offsite' do
        it 'errors without current_user' do
          expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id, 'kind' => 'offsite') }.to raise_error { |e|
            expect(e).to be_a AuthenticationError

        it 'errors with unauthorized current_user' do
          expect(QueryRoles).to receive(:is_authorized_for_nonprofit?).with(user.id, nonprofit.id).and_return(false)
          expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id, kind: 'offsite', current_user: user) }.to raise_error { |e|
            expect(e).to be_a AuthenticationError

        it 'succeeds' do
          expect(QueryRoles).to receive(:is_authorized_for_nonprofit?).with(user.id, nonprofit.id).and_return true
          result = nil
          expect(Houdini.event_publisher).to receive(:announce).with(:ticket_level_created, any_args).ordered
          expect(Houdini.event_publisher).to receive(:announce).with(:supporter_created, anything)
          expect(Houdini.event_publisher).to receive(:announce).with(:supporter_address_created, anything)
          expect(Houdini.event_publisher).to receive(:announce).with(:ticket_create, any_args).ordered
          result = InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id, kind: 'offsite', offsite_payment: { kind: 'check', check_number: 'fake_checknumber' }, current_user: user)
          expected = generate_expected_tickets(payment_id: result['payment'].id,
                                               nonprofit: nonprofit,
                                               supporter: supporter,
                                               event: event,
                                               gross_amount: 1600,
                                               kind: 'OffsitePayment',
                                               offsite_payment: { id: result['offsite_payment'].id, kind: 'check', check_number: 'fake_checknumber' },
                                               tickets: [{
                                                 id: result['tickets'][0]['id'],
                                                 quantity: 1,
                                                 ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id
          expect(result['payment'].attributes).to eq expected[:payment]
          expect(result['offsite_payment'].attributes).to eq expected[:offsite_payment]
          expect(result['tickets'].map(&:attributes)[0]).to eq expected[:tickets][0]

      describe 'and kind == charge || nil' do
        let(:basic_valid_ticket_input) do
          { tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }, { quantity: 2, ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, event_id: event.id }
        let(:include_fake_token) do
          basic_valid_ticket_input.merge(token: fake_uuid)

        let(:include_valid_token) do
          basic_valid_ticket_input.merge(token: source_token.token)

        describe 'kind  == charge' do
          it 'token is invalid' do
            validation_invalid_token { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token.merge(kind: 'charge')) }

          it 'errors out if token is unauthorized' do
            validation_unauthorized { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token.merge(kind: 'charge')) }

          it 'errors out if token is expired' do
            validation_expired { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token.merge(kind: 'charge')) }

          it 'card doesnt belong to supporter' do
            validation_card_not_with_supporter { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token.merge(kind: 'charge', token: other_source_token.token)) }

        describe 'kind  == nil' do
          it 'token is invalid' do
            validation_invalid_token { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token) }

          it 'errors out if token is unauthorized' do
            validation_unauthorized { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token) }

          it 'errors out if token is expired' do
            validation_expired { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token) }

          it 'card doesnt belong to supporter' do
            validation_card_not_with_supporter { InsertTickets.create(include_fake_token.merge(kind: 'charge', token: other_source_token.token)) }

        it 'handles charge failed' do
          handle_charge_failed { InsertTickets.create(include_valid_token) }

        it 'succeeds' do

        it 'succeeds if offsite_donation is there with empty kind' do
          success(offsite_donation: { kind: nil })

        def success(other_elements = {})
          nonprofit.stripe_account_id = Stripe::Account.create['id']
          card.stripe_customer_id = 'some other id'

          expect(InsertCharge).to receive(:with_stripe).with(
            kind: 'Ticket',
            towards: event.name,
            metadata: { kind: 'Ticket', event_id: event.id, nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id },
            statement: "Tickets #{event.name}",
            amount: 1600,
            nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id,
            supporter_id: supporter.id,
            card_id: card.id

          stripe_charge_id = nil
          expect(Stripe::Charge).to receive(:create).with({ application_fee: 66,
                                                            customer: card.stripe_customer_id,
                                                            amount: 1600,
                                                            currency: 'usd',
                                                            description: 'Tickets The event of Wonders',
                                                            statement_descriptor: 'Tickets The event of W',
                                                            metadata: { kind: 'Ticket', event_id: event.id, nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id } }, stripe_account: nonprofit.stripe_account_id).and_wrap_original { |m, *args|
                                      a = m.call(*args)
                                      stripe_charge_id = a['id']
          result = InsertTickets.create(include_valid_token.merge(event_discount_id: event_discount.id))
          expected = generate_expected_tickets(
            { gross_amount: 1600,
              payment_fee_total: 66,
              payment_id: result['payment'].id,
              nonprofit: nonprofit,
              supporter: supporter,
              event: event,
              charge_id: result['charge'].id,
              stripe_charge_id: stripe_charge_id,
              event_discount_id: event_discount.id,
              card: card,
              tickets: [{
                id: result['tickets'][0]['id'],
                quantity: 1,
                ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id
                          id: result['tickets'][0]['id'],
                          quantity: 2,
                          ticket_level_id: ticket_level2.id
                        }] }.merge(other_elements)

          expect(result['payment'].attributes).to eq expected[:payment]
          expect(result['charge'].attributes).to eq expected[:charge]
          expect(result['tickets'].map(&:attributes)[0]).to eq expected[:tickets][0]

      it 'errors where kind == free and positive gross_amount' do
        expect { InsertTickets.create(tickets: [{ quantity: 1, ticket_level_id: ticket_level.id }], nonprofit_id: nonprofit.id, supporter_id: supporter.id, token: source_token.token, event_id: event.id, 'kind' => 'free') }.to raise_error { |e|
          expect(e).to be_a ParamValidation::ValidationError
          expect_validation_errors(e.data, [{ key: :kind }])
          expect(e.message).to eq "Ticket costs money but you didn't pay."