# License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later
class BankAccount < ActiveRecord::Base

	attr_accessible \
	:name, # str (readable bank name identifier, eg. "Wells Fargo *1234")
	:confirmation_token, # str (randomly generated private token for email confirmation)
	:account_number, # str (last digits only)
	:bank_name, # str
	:pending_verification, # bool (whether this bank account is still awaiting email confirmation)
	:status, # str
	:email, # str (contact email associated with the user who created this bank account)
	:deleted, # bool (soft delete flag)
	:stripe_bank_account_token, # str
	:stripe_bank_account_id, # str
	:nonprofit_id, :nonprofit

	#validates :stripe_bank_account_token, presence: true, uniqueness: true
	# validates :stripe_bank_account_id, presence: true, uniqueness: true
	#validates :nonprofit, presence: true
	#validates :email, presence: true, format: {with: Email::Regex}
	#validate  :nonprofit_must_be_vetted, on: :create
	#validate  :nonprofit_has_stripe_account

	has_many :payouts
	belongs_to :nonprofit

	def nonprofit_must_be_vetted
		errors.add(:nonprofit, "must be vetted") unless self.nonprofit && self.nonprofit.vetted

	def nonprofit_has_stripe_account
		errors.add(:nonprofit, 'must have a Stripe account id') if !self.nonprofit || self.nonprofit.stripe_account_id.blank?

	# Manually cause an instance to become invalid
	def invalidate!
		@not_valid = true
