module QueryEmailSettings Settings = ['notify_payments', 'notify_campaigns', 'notify_events', 'notify_payouts', 'notify_recurring_donations'] def self.fetch(np_id, user_id) es = Psql.execute(%Q( SELECT * FROM email_settings WHERE nonprofit_id=#{Qexpr.quote(np_id.to_i)} AND user_id=#{Qexpr.quote(user_id.to_i)} )).first # If the user's event_settings table does not exist, return a hash with all settings true if es.nil? es = Psql.execute(%Q( SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='email_settings' )).map{|h| h['column_name']} .reject{|name| ['id', 'nonprofit_id', 'user_id'].include?(name)} .reduce({}){|h, name| h[name] = true; h} end return es end end