Before you can make payouts, we ask that you follow a two step verification process, which helps us prevent fraud. Once the following steps are completed, you'll be able to make a payout any time with the click of a button and automatically receive deposits on the first of every month.
Please note that the verification process with our donation processor (Stripe), can take up to a day. If you don't see the todo list items getting crossed off like you expect them to, please check back in a day.
Success! The confirmation email to activate your bank account has been successfully re-sent. Expect it to arrive in your inbox within a few minutes. If you can't find it, be sure to check your spam folder.
Why do we require this confirmation? It proves that you have access to both your <%= %> account and your email account, preventing anybody from changing your organization's bank account if you leave your CommitChange account signed in on a shared computer.
If you still have trouble finding the confirmation email, please contact <%= Settings.devise.mailer_sender %>.