require 'spec_helper' require 'construct/construct_billing_subscription' describe ConstructBillingSubscription, :pending => true do let(:bp) do bp = double("BillingPlan", {id: 1, stripe_plan_id: 'kitchen_sink'}) return bp end let(:cust_id) do tok = VCR.use_cassette 'ConstructBillingSubscription/card_tok' do Stripe::Token.create({card: { number: '4242424242424242', exp_month: 12, exp_year: 2025, cvc: '123' }}).id end VCR.use_cassette 'ConstructBillingSubscription/cust_id' do Stripe::Customer.create( description: 'Test spec customer for ConstructBillingSubscription/cust_id', source: tok ).id end end describe '.with_stripe' do let(:np) do card = double("Card", stripe_customer_id: cust_id) np = double("Nonprofit", id: 1, created_at: Time.current, card: card) allow(np).to receive(:currently_in_trial?).and_return(false) np end context 'when valid' do let(:bs) do VCR.use_cassette 'ConstructBillingSubscription/bs' do ConstructBillingSubscription.with_stripe(np, bp) end end it 'sets the billing_plan_id' do expect(bs[:billing_plan_id]).to eq end it 'sets the stripe subscription id' do expect(bs[:stripe_subscription_id]).to match /^sub_/ end it 'sets the status as active' do expect(bs[:status]).to eq 'active' end end context 'when invalid' do it 'throws an exception with invalid stripe customer id' do allow(np).to receive_message_chain(:card, :stripe_customer_id).and_return('xxx') expect do VCR.use_cassette 'ConstructBillingSubscription/invalid_customer' do ConstructBillingSubscription.with_stripe(np, bp) end raise_exception(Stripe::InvalidRequestError) end it 'throws an exception with invalid stripe plan id' do allow(bp).to receive(:stripe_plan_id).and_return('xxx') expect do VCR.use_cassette 'ConstructBillingSubscription/invalid_plan' do ConstructBillingSubscription.with_stripe(np, bp) end raise_exception(Stripe::InvalidRequestError) end end end end