<%- # License: AGPL-3.0-or-later WITH Web-Template-Output-Additional-Permission-3.0-or-later -%>
<header class='pane-header'>
	<h3>Organization Users</h3>

<div class='pane-inner'>
	<table class='usersTable table table-striped'>
		<% is_admin = current_role?(:nonprofit_admin) %>
		<% @nonprofit.roles.includes(user: :profile).each do |role| %>
				<td><%= role.user.profile.name %></td>
				<td class='u-ellipses'><%= role.user.email %></td>
				<td><%= role.name.to_s.titleize.split(' ').last %></td>
					<% if is_admin %>
						<form autosubmit
						 action='<%= nonprofit_role_path(@nonprofit, role.id, format: :json) %>'
						 data-reload data-confirm>

							<input type='hidden' name='required_input'>
							 class='button--tiny red'

									<i class='fa fa-times'></i> Remove

					<% end %>
		<% end %>

	<% if current_role?([:nonprofit_admin,:super_admin]) %>
		<a class='button u-marginTop--5' open-modal='newRole'><i class='fa fa-plus'></i> New User</a>
	<% end %>


		<a open-modal='roleInfoModal'>
			What's the difference between an Associate and an Admin?

<div class='modal' id='roleInfoModal'>
	<%= render 'common/modal_header', title: "What's the difference between an Associate and an Admin?" %>
	<div class='modal-body'>
		<p class='strong'>Associates can:</p>
		<ul class='hasBullets'>
			<li>Change timezone, branding, receipts</li>
			<li>View payouts, pricing plan, and other users/roles (but cannot change/create any of these)</li>
			<li>Can view payment histories and supporter records</li>
			<li>Can edit and create supporter records</li>
			<li>Can edit donation designation/dedications</li>
			<li>Can view payout reports (but cannot create new payouts)</li>
			<li>Can create and edit campaigns</li>
			<li>Can create and edit events</li>
			<li>Can charge and create supporters on event attendee lists</li>
			<li>Can create new donate buttons</li>

		<p class='strong'>Admins can do everything above, PLUS:</p>
		<ul class='hasBullets'>
			<li>Change pricing plan
			<li>Add/remove users</li>
			<li>Initiate payouts</li>
			<li>Change bank accounts</li>